Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Alice in A1derland to Harry Potter in the same night!

First, this is just a random photo I thought was fun. It was for a project Kelsey (my RA, who is in front) had to to.
This is seriously our section photo in the yearbook. Yep, pretty great. Somehow when deciding what each person should be, our section just turns to Amy and I and goes "obviously you two will be tweedle dee and tweedle dum." Um...not sure how I feel about that. Wait, yes I am...I was honestly kind of excited. :)
Maybe this is why they chose us...
Barrett was a singing flower...typical.
So, yeah we actually went to the Harry Potter premiere. And dressed up. Are we cool or what? Especially me with those glasses...

Barrett, Amy and I went with Misha and Ali. So fun! Barrett is supposed to be a golden snitch if you didn't get that.

Wow...I am such a dork. So, the best part of the midnight showing, apart from the crazy people that go to these things haha, was the fact that the movie theater started closing the curtains about 20 seconds too early. There was supposed to be this dramatic scene where Voldmort is stealing some important wand from Dumbledor's grave; lightning was flashing as he raises the wand into the dark sky and then all of the sudden there is this happy movie theater music playing and the curtains begin closing. Hilarious. You had to be there, but it was memorable.
Oh, college and the random adventures it brings.

Looking GALAmorous

So, I mentioned that, that weekend was jam packed. After hosting a preview student on Thursday night, Amy and I had a huge Art History test friday and then finally were able to release some stress that evening by going out to dinner on State St. with Brent, Allison and Barrett. We rushed back from dinner to get decked out in neon attire and head up to the D.C (dinning commons) for Robot Food!!! Robot food is a dance put on by students every year that takes place in the D.C. on campus and only plays techno. It's complete with strobe lights, fog machines...pretty much the whole shebang. It's awesome!

So, as fun as that was, it left Barrett and I exhausted for our hike of Montecito Peak that took place early that Saturday morning (see earlier post for pictures). When we arrived back from the hike Saturday afternoon, I tried desperately to work on my giant research paper, since my goal was to have it finished before Thanksgiving break (a goal i actually achieved thanks to Grace and her blackmailing qualities). However, I ended up falling asleep and Barrett and I napped for a couple hours before getting up about 15 minutes before the Armington Gala when Brent came running into our room asking us to help him iron his shirt. He looks at me and goes "Wow, you look ready...nice bedhead." Then we gave him the iron and ironing board and told him to figure it out himself. So, as he tried (key word) to iron his shirt, Amy Barrett and I tried to get ready with him shouting things at us about not being able to iron or how our hair and make-up was looking. What a pal haha. He was at least complimentary when we were ready.
Enjoy the pics! A1! Yeah we be straight up G's haha not.

Hallway pics! This is some of my section: Barrett, Amy, Misha, Sarah, Kristin, Olivia and Ariana

Ready to take James Bond's place? I think yes.

Love my roommates! :)

Oh no...yeah we took self-timer pictures. Gotta do it sometimes.

Look, Shanan and Kelsey joined us.

Misha and I at the Gala. Together we took every kind of desert they had just so we could sample everything...you only live once. It's been so great getting to know her this semester...so fun.
Olivia and I. It's also been such a blessing getting to live next door to Olivia and getting to know her and listen to her sing (scream) to her five song playlist haha.

Tamara! Another super fun person, though I'm not going to be on campus with her for a whole year. I'm gone next semester and she is gone the one after that. We'll work it out though.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Catch up...

So, I realized that I have been not so up to date on my posting, but amidst writing 12-15 page research papers, the last thing I've wanted to do is write more haha. But anyway, here I am again, hopefully to show a glimpse of what I've been up to.
The weekend after Halloween, it was time to decorate for Christmas at my house and I happened to be home that weekend, which was nice and somewhat relaxing.
The next week was a busy week with hosting a preview student and an art history test. That weekend also had a lot going on, but I'll get to that later.
Since we hosted a preview student, our room was clean (it often isn't haha) and I realized I hadn't taken any pictures of it, so here are some. Taken from standing in the hall, looking in. Can you spot Amy? haha I have the top bunk with the red comforter, Amy's is the bottom with the blue and Barrett's is the loft that is perpendicular to mine.

From the other corner with Barrett's bed to my left and the door/closets to my right. The colorful blanket is on our awesome futon, supported by Amy and my desks.

Standing in the other corner by Barrett's desk. That is my small wardrobe, where they accuse me of hiding often. Amy looks dead :(

At least she's happy...

This is from on top of my bed looking down. Like our lanterns? They only took us about two hours to put up at the beginning of the semester.


That Saturday my Outdoor Education Class hiked Montecito Peak! So cool! It was a moderately intense hike...very long, but totally worth it. Barrett, Dean and I passed some of the time by making up a story about a truly noble porcupine. Yeah it was pretty unique. And on the way back down, Dean showed us some dance moves that he claimed helped him to keep his balance while trekking down the steep incline...ridiculous and hilarious.

Barrett and I looking intense after our long climb.

beautiful day...more stuff to come.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Weekend!

Oh, what a weekend it was. Friday evening, Barrett, Allison and I attended a progressive dinner in costume, through one of the local churches. It was pretty great; we all got to dress up, have great food and hang out with some great people. About 30 people from Westmont went, which was fun. When we returned back to campus, Barrett and I went over to VK and watched "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" with Allison. I must say, It was pretty excellent. Barrett and I want to go to a public showing...we'll find one somewhere. When the movie finished, we decided to head back down to Armington, but upon stepping outside, we discovered it was pouring rain. We decided it would be best to make a run for it and we were forced to wade through giant puddles forming as we avoided being hit by cars.

The next evening was the Halloween Dance, which was held at the Maritime museum down at the harbor. It was pretty neat inside and dressing up and dancing is always a blast.
Barrett was a dragon, though she looked more like fire. Amy and I helped in the making of her costume by drawing and cutting out all the flames for her.
Amy was a gypsy and I was a flapper.
Enjoy the pictures. Amy and MeBarrett trying to kill me...typical. We have a healthy living situation, I promise. Terrifically epic picture of Barrett haha. Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words. This could accurately sum up our life as roommates :)As we arrived at the dance, we had our picture taken. From left to right: Barrett (dragon), Emilee (doll...a very creepy doll), Amelia (Tiger Lily from Peter Pan), Amy (gypsy), me (flapper), Kristin (also a dragon), Clara (Cheshire Cat), Leif (the Mad Hatter aka one of the scariest things I've ever had to socialize with haha). Me and Misha was was Poison Ivy walking out after the dance to get on the shuttle before freezing.
It was definitely a fun weekend of dressing up!