Wednesday, October 31, 2007

what a day!

so, i know you are dying to know the outcome of tennis today. laney and i lost first round, which kinda stinks, but we do get to go tomorrow and support! :) jane and amanda did awesome and are advancing. both brittany and alicia also did really well and actually have to play each other tomorrow to find out the winner. intense! so, yeah today was awesomely fun! we got out at 11:15, got subway and since it was only the six of us (seven plus coach) we took the van! what could be more fun?

so, halloween: i mentioned on here a little while back that julie and i were devising a top secret plan. now i can tell you all about it! :) we wanted to do a surprise attack on ms. admiraal and see if she would recognize us if we dressed up. after we got back from our tennis match i headed over to julie's house. oh, side note: we also heard that chipotle was having a thing if you dress up as a burrito you get a free burrito! how awesome is that?!?! we went and bought tin foil at walgreens and wrapped me up in it, so i got a free burrito! sweet!

anyway, after our chipotle experience we headed over to ms. admiral's house, where we spent 10 min. in the car trying to get my box out of julie's car and on me, cover my face, and get julie's ninja mask to work for her. i was a christmas present and julie was a ninja gone terrorist just to let ya know. ha ha! no, julie just happened to look more like a terrorist than a ninja. anyway, after some thinking of how i was going to hide my face we decided i should just keep the tin foil on. random, but hey it works.

we weren't entirely sure which house was hers and were discussing this as we walked up. next thing we know she comes running out her front door and just says "hey guys!"...didn't even fool her for a minute! her windows were open and she recognized our voices. she's good! oh man, so funny! we just went inside and talked for a stuff!

oh, and since we were over there, we had to try and stop by to say hi to mrs. fieldhoust too, but they weren't home. it was ms. admiraal's brilliant idea to leave my box one their doorstep with no note or anything. so, mrs. fieldhouse, if you read this, that was my box and just know that julie and i wanted to say hi! see this picture is at your house! :)

after that i didn't have a costume; julie decided to use the rest of the foil all over me and thus...they outcome you see in this picture. people's responses were the funniest things when i answered my door. one kid goes "can i have a piece of your foil?"
"uh, sure" the next thing i know i have like 10 kids all tearing pieces of foil off of me. so crazy!

well, i hope you all had a happy halloween! :) i know i did.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

some pictures

here are just some pictures i've been meaning to post, but just haven't gotten around to it...enjoy! :)

here are some of when we took katie to the pumpkin patch a couple weeks ago...what a cutie! too bad she is getting into the terrible two's. can you believe it?!? she will be two in november! crazy how time flies and how much changes with babies! she is chatting up a storm. she understands a lot more than she will say, but right now we are really working on pronunciation. some words she doesn't quite have down and they tend to sound like some words we definitely don't want her saying...for example "sit". she tends to add an "h" sound...yikes! frog is the worst. she doesn't really pronounce the "r" and the "g" sounds more like "k" so...well you get the idea... pronunciation. always a good thing! :)

my mom was having a lot of fun with the camera...

a little too much fun...oh! look at that evil glare i've got going on! :)

this one was from when we went down to city hall over the weekend. i just liked the view...

well, better get on that homework and get a good nights sleep...big day tomorrow! plus i'm sick so it would be a really good thing to get some sleep. how icky is that?!

today was much better than yesterday, so all is good!

i'll keep you all posted on the outcome of tomorrow! :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

wasn't the best of mondays

today was not the best day to start off the week. i woke up this morning and felt incredibly dizzy when i got up. at first i thought it was just that feeling where you get up too fast and that it would soon go away...not so. i tried to just get ready and just ignore the dizziness until about the point that i was becoming sea sick when standing on solid ground. on the orders of my mother i went back to bed for about an hour and a half, then woke up and decided that i had to go to school. i felt better as the day went on, so no idea what that was all about.

in the world of school...i don't even want to think about the mass amount of things due this week. and tests...just mentioning it stresses me out! plus the fact that i'm missing our essay portion of my apush test wed. for tennis (i get to come in 7:30am thursday to take it...just what i want to do when i wake up: write a history essay). needless to say school is not going well at the moment...i'm so over it, yet we aren't even half way through...ick! but, it's all good! i'm still smiling! :)

in the world of tennis, things are a bit less depressing. our individuals match was moved from tuesday (tomorrow) to wednesday because so many teams still had to finish up playing due to all the canceled matches last week from the ash. laney and i found out that we will be playing the #1 team from L.A. Baptist, so i really don't know what that means. i can't remember if we beat them or not...i'll find out more tomorrow. one of the best parts of making individuals is that we get out at 11:15! crazy!

thursday we are supposed to go on a spanish field trip to olvera st., which i'm still not sure if i will be going on depending if we win or lose on wed. it's driving me nuts not knowing, since we all know how good i am about suspense, but whatever. no matter what thursday will be a good day...either i play tennis or i go on a field trip...hummm not too bad of a draw, huh? :)

well, that's whats going on in my life in case any of you cared.

blessings on your weeks everybody! :)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

what you can find in costume shops

so, friday julie and i went on a quest in search of cheap halloween costumes. i normally wouldn't be doing anything for halloween, but we have a top secret plan that i'll say more about after it takes place this wednesday. it is something we needed costumes for so, after much searching we have two perfect ideas. oh, and want to know the best part? since i am making my costume it only cost me $2! how's that for cheap! :) i'll post more about this later...for now here are some crazy pictures we took while in party city.

yeah, we're freaks...i know.

Friday, October 26, 2007


that's right! girls tennis team went 11-7 against archer yesterday! :) i cannot contain my excitement! laney and i beat both the 2's and 3's, but lost to the 1's. our last match against the 3's we seriously played in the dark. i could not see the ball for my life, but we won it! :) good stuff! to celebrate being undefeated the team all went out to olive garden...delicious!

well, i'm off to the football game...homecoming! :)

bye for now...sorry for my lack of this important info yesterday...things have been crazy! good, but crazy. i'll post more later!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

fires are icky!

hopefully they will clear up soon! i'm missing tennis! practice was canceled yesterday because of poor air conditions, but some of the team (obviously including me) did go to the golden spoon...quite delicious!

our match also got canceled today, which was a big bummer, but what can you do? we were going to have practice until we walked outside and realized that ash falling from the sky probably wasn't a good thing to be breathing in, so... anyway, we were supposed to play winward, who are up in LA, but apparently we aren't going to reschedule with them since we go into individuals next week. the only way we would play them is if we lose to archer on thursday, which better not happen!
oh by the way, i get to play in individuals this year!!! i'm pretty excited about that, except for the fact that if we do well on tuesday we will play again thursday, when i'm supposed to go to olvera st. for spanish. but, tennis ranks above fieldtrips in my book! :) well, we'll see what happens...

here are two pictures i stole from julie...aren't we so cute! :)

awww! i do actually really like this one. :)

that's all for now!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

random post about pretty much nothing...

i have the song "any way you want it" by journey in my head, which is quite annoying after 10 min. since i only know the chorus anyway...

this is going to be a big week. this week holds our two last league matches of the season...i'm actually quite sad about this. not that this cane as a surprise, i didn't want it to end last year either. it just seems like it went by so fast! well, we still have CIF and league individuals, so i won't get to down yet.

also this week is homecoming week, meaning we get dress up days! tomorrow is class color day, so no big deal...i think i can find something green in my closet. i just don't know what to do for day. how random is that? anyway, if anyone has a suggestion, since dressing up beats uniforms any day, i'm open! :) ideas please!

well, that's pretty much all i have to say (nothing very interesting, i know) maybe i'll get some pictures up soon so my blog isn't so wordy and boring...we'll see.

i'm off to go finish some last minute homework. actually i'm not procrastinating...its not due till thursday; i'm getting a head start! :)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

how much better can a day get?

today was full of little surprises! seriously those little things are what make a day i think; just the little things that make you smile. just little surprises like getting a note of encouragement and a bag of treats in your locker from your coach right before your big game. surprises like my aunt, coach jim (my high jump coach), and mrs. fieldhouse showing up for our match. stuff like being able to worship this morning in chapel. and surprises like getting tackled to the ground by julie after we won overall! (actually that one kinda hurt...must have been pretty funny to watch though)

yes, indeed! we beat whittier 10-8!!! laney and i didn't do so hot, but we tried our best and that is all we can ask for. we did win one 6-3, but lost the other two. oh, well!
i can't contain my excitement about still being undefeated in league!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

well, one more week of league play and our last match is against archer, who, we found out today, beat whittier! so, we will again have to work extra hard next thursday, but all will be good!

my day seriously couldn't have gotten any better! hope you all had awesome days as well! :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


need i say more? well, i very own car! yesterday at my tennis match my grandma just gave me the sweet is that? needless to say i'm pretty excited! my grandma has had it for a while and since she has another car i got the mustang. today was my first official day of driving to school!!! pretty stinkin' awesome!

alright so, tomorrow is the big day. the face off between us and whittier christian. we are still undefeated and they have only lost to us. the bad news is that last time we played them we only beat them 10-8 (the least you can win by) and their #1 singles girl happened to be sick that day. man do we need to step it up tomorrow! oh, and if that isn't enough, amanda (half of our #1 doubles team) will be gone. so, jenna is going to move to doubles with jane and we will just have alternates play #3 singles. hopefully we can dominate in doubles and then brittany and alicia can secure some wins in singles as well. it's going to be intense! i can't say as that i'm nervous for it, just more anxious and determined. well, it will be what it will be. wish us luck! i'll keep you all updated on the outcome. :)

well, that's about all i have to say!
until tomorrow then...


Monday, October 15, 2007

i wish we could do that every morning

what better way to start the day than with tennis! yep yep. at 6:30am this morning the dedicated girls tennis team arrived at school ready for a nice practice! the only disadvantage was the fact that it was still dark then and we couldn't see the ball...made for some good laughs though! oh, and it was sprinkling while we were playing, so even better! how awesome is that. no, really i loved getting up early and just singing as loud as i wanted in the car to wake me up (at least no one could hear me:) i really wish we did this more often like once or twice a week before school...that would be fun, however i'm not sure many others on the team share this opinion.

well, it's going to be a fun day off school! :)

Friday, October 12, 2007

thank goodness it's friday!

this week has felt really long for some reason, but it was still a fun one. today especially! the junior NHS group packed 1500 boxes in two hours...not too bad. it feels good to know that we helped someone somewhere.

tonight i went to the football game, since i had nothing better to do. i was glad i did. another win for them and it started raining! i love the rain! it was quite enjoyable to sit in it actually.

well, there you go. thats what i did today...just in case you cared


Thursday, October 11, 2007

today is a day i wish i'd had a camera

so much has been going on. today we had yet another tennis match against village christian...long drive! i slept most of the way up there, until laney said i looked like a kitty cause i was curled up in a ball on the seat and then julie started petting my head. but anyway, laney and i played two matches and subbed out the third. scores: 6-0 and 6-0!!! yeah! pretty happy about that.
so, why did i wish i had my camera? well, when we get off the bus there is a shopping cart right next to us. julie, who didn't have a bag to put all her stuff in, dumps it all into the shopping cart and starts pushing it. then i climb in the basket and am leaning out wheeling the cooler and julie is pushing it. you kinda had to be there, but if you can get a mental picture of was pretty funny. especially when i dropped the cooler and julie had to run back and get it, but she left me on a hill and i started rolling away. fun stuff! fun day!

oh, this is going to be a good week next week! NHS field trip tomorrow! then no school monday! we still have practice monday at 6:30am, but i don't mind too much...i'm a pretty good morning person. then wednesday is PSAT, which stinks, but it is a half day so that counts for something!

well, i'm dead tired and i think i'll go to bed. night everyone!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

makes for an interesting day...

actually our tennis match was the only interesting part. school was kinda dull (as usual). well, not completely...i have my few select classes i do enjoy. anyway, as fascinating as that is, i know you want to find out why our tennis match was oh so special. well, lets see...i ate it, i hit my coach in the head with a heavy water jug (on accident of course), got doused with reclaimed water and was kung pow flipped by julie and her ninja skills. :) now if that isn't a crazy tennis match i don't know what is...

-so, me totally eating it...well, basically i dove to get a ball and tripped, but i did catch myself and landed in push up position on the court. that was embarrassing, funny kinda had to be there.

-hitting ms. admiraal in the head with a water, amanda asks me to thorough her, her water over the fence. i don't know if you guys know that the water bottles most of the team has are those big jugs that keep it cold and have a drinking spout. well, they can be pretty heavy...not something you would like to get hit in the head with. so, ms. admiraal is standing by the fence and starts joking that i'm not going to make it over...she was right. i just missed, and it came down on top of her head. how sad! she did manage to sort of stop it with her hand, so it didn't hit as hard as it would have, but it still looked painful. i felt rather bad; no lasting damage though...i hope :)

-whats next? oh, getting doused with reclaimed water. yes, yes the sprinklers decided to come on during our match. we were running around trying to gather up all our things out of the path of the water. i got pretty wet...nasty! oh well, that's what showers are for. :) funniest part was mallory, who was sleeping through the whole thing until we woke her up. again, you probably would have had to be there.

-as for julie...a word of advice: don't ever take her hat! you will be beaten down to the ground. she flipped me over her leg and i seriously rolled three times...good thing we were on the grass. she scares me! :) so funny!

oh, dear. never a dull moment! good times!

what a great day! :)

oh, by the way, we won again!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

just some of my thoughts

so, yesterday i'm getting katie out of her car seat and not really paying attention to what she is doing. the next thing i know...whack! she slams her sippy cup right into the bridge of my nose...not a pleasant feeling. those are the times when you just want to slap her back, but being the loving older sister that i am, would never do that; no matter how mad i am at her. she, of course, thought it was the funniest thing because, like all little kids she wanted a reaction. good or bad it's still a reaction (saying "no" doesn't really work at this point, she just laughs even more). so, i decided to go with the ignoring tactic and didn't give her what she wanted. i took her cup away and continued to get her out of the car, then set her down and ignored her, which she didn't like at all. she started to cry and wanted to be picked up and since she is only 1 (almost 2) i didn't let her cry for too long. i picked her up, she calmed down and gave me a hug (so cute), which totally made me forget all about how i was mad at her. after all, she doesn't really understand why we don't hit. she may have some understanding that it's wrong, but you can't expect a toddler to fully understand.
as i was thinking about this, it struck me that isn't this how we are with God? i mean we do wrong, feel guilty (not that katie felt guilty, she probably just was upset) and then when things don't work out the way we want them to we come to God for forgiveness and a big hug. compared to God we pretty much have the minds of a toddler. we really don't know what is best for us and when He tells us, we want to do the complete opposite. isn't it great though that he is willing to welcome us back with open arms no matter how bad we mess up? that is truly just awesome! forgiveness is a wonderful feeling that i am deeply thankful for. i couldn't name all the times i've messed up, but it's okay because i'm already forgiven. crazy how much love he has for us and really how little he asks for in return.

sorry if that made no sense...i was just sort of typing my thoughts here.

good luck on your mondays everyone! :)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

no time for anything...

except maybe for a lot of tennis :) some sleep :/ and WAY too much homework :(
so much has been going on i haven't had time to breathe. let me catch you up on the last few days of my life...just in case anyone cares.

thursday: 2nd round of league began for tennis. we beat marshall 14-4, which isn't too bad. laney and i even managed one bagel on our last match! :) laney's dad also brought the team pizza, which was absolutely delicious. i did get home again rather late since marshall is located in pasadena...still a fun time though. but, it did make for another late night of doing homework. blah!

yesterday: i helped work a booth for face painting at harvest festival, which wasn't too bad. i just am really bad at face painting. :) after my shift was over julie, laney, jane and i headed over to chipotle...yum! after, we debated going to golden spoon, but laney didn't think we had time. we get in the car, still talking about our options for a sweet treat, then we remember there is a coffee bean right there. jane and i look at each other, yell with excitement about hot drinks and just get out of the car and run, leaving julie and laney...tea latte, baby! :) so, at least i got to sip my nice hot tea as i was forced into attending my first valley football game, where it was freezing! but you know something, it was better than i thought it would be...didn't have a clue what was going on, but it was still fun and i do know that we won!

as for today, i have just thoroughly been enjoying some much needed down time! so nice!
well, there is a brief overview of what this last week has consisted. there is much more i could go into detail about, but i assure you it would be very long and boring for you to read...this should suffice. :)

enjoy the rest of your weekends everybody!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

6am my alarm goes off and the thought that popped into my head was "why is my alarm going off? this is saturday..." it took me a few minutes to realize that this in fact was wednesday, not saturday. the day was still a good one though, for the most part. chapel always wakes me up and gets me going! they guy spoke on worship and how we worship. praise band played after he spoke and it was just really cool to see what effect that had. everyone was so in to singing and some of us got really into the jumping as well. :)

in the aspect of tennis, things couldn't be better! we had our last 1st round match against archer yesterday and still hold the title of undefeated! so, overall we did pretty well and personally, laney and i won our first two matches 6-3 and lost our last one 2-6, but no big deal.

tomorrow we begin 2nd round of league with marshall. i can't honestly believe that we are already about half way done with the season! i'm still having a blast and don't want it to end. as much as i am loving it though i do realize that it would make things less hectic with homework and what not. i didn't even do homework last night. i was dead tired. what? is that possible for her? indeed it is. i may have a lot of energy most of the time, but i got home last night at around 9:00, took a shower, sat down to start homework and was out. didn't wake up until my alarm went off...not good considering i had my first AP US history test today, but what can ya do?

what else was i going to say about today? oh, yes we all jogged to dairy queen today during practice. that helped to make it a good day also. i haven't had DQ in forever! plus the fact that ms. admiraal paid for all of us! that was awesome of her! we all sang happy birthday to her to show our wasn't really her birthday. :) fun stuff.

well, i think i have procrastinated long amount of home work tonight is ridiculous! better get going on that!

Monday, October 1, 2007

just some words to live by...

"Yesterday's the past, tomorrows the future, but today is a gift. That's why its called the present."

i'm going to make it a goal for myself as we start off this week and new in the here and now and don't worry about what's going to happen because God has it under control.

enjoy your mondays everyone! :)