Monday, April 30, 2007

it is finally coming to an end

well here we are. last six weeks of school and last week of track. :) i have to say i have mixed feelings about both coming to an end. i am ready to be done with track i just wish i could have done a bit better jumping this year. i wasn't too upset about today's practice though. originally we were going to weight lift (blah!), but instead we joined the distance runners and mr. becksvoort in a game of death ball! it was a blast! exercising and having fun at the same time (now that doesn't happen too often at track practice). and, just as this day couldn't get any did! i finished it up by going to one of my favorite places with some of my favorite people (i have many. favorite people that is...these were just some of them). golden spoon of course! and i had another coupon for 4 free ones! sweet stuff! :)

so this just proves; not all mondays have to be bad....this one was quite awesome!

peace! :)

Sunday, April 29, 2007


so it's been a few days, but i guess i just don't have much to say. so instead i'll post this random picture of me high jumping. i got it from my friend.

look how high i am! i wonder what height that is though?....i have some bad form there. i also think it is funny how rebekah is standing in the background. :)

yep yep! just thought i would share that. :)

Thursday, April 26, 2007


alright, now that the track season is coming to an end i actually start to get my jumping skills back! yes, today was finally the day! i have been having some issues with clearing 4'4" lately; (for the last month) my approach has been completely messed up. but, i not only managed 4'4" today, but also 4'6" (one inch below my p.r.) without a touch! excited? yes! maybe i will make 4'8" by the end of the season? i wont get too hopeful though. :) another thing though that was freaky mrs. hogan started tapping my forehead today. she seriously creeps me out!...just thought i would share that with y'all.
well, my day is still continuing to get better! yep yep! i now get to go hit a bright furry little ball around and take all the frustrations of homework out. happy happy! :)

oh, and my title has a double meaning. can anyone guess what it is??? :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

sweet 16!!!

wow! and not one person let me forget it. i was awakened this morning by my mother taking pictures of me....every year. and i don't look that much different...just half asleep. anyway i was greeted at school this morning by balloons a sign and if that wasn't enough for me my locker was also decorated with wrapping paper and other various items. oh, and i also had a chocolate cake waiting for me inside! but what were those various items you ask? well they were none other than the most awful/embarrassing pictures my friends could possibly find of me. displayed for the entire school to see! i actually wasn't too was funny! any who from there my day just kept getting better with all the "happy birthdays" i was getting to brighten it and then track practice! i was dumb and forgot clothes for track today, so i wore rebekah's pants that were incredibly long on me (well no duh, seeing as i am like 7in. shorter than she). but it was a good practice; they kidnapped me and took me to jamba juice! not the worst place to be kidnapped to! thanks guys! to finish up my oh so wonderful day i went out to dinner with my family...yummy! :)

sweet stuff! thanks to all my friends, you guys are the best! i love you all! :)

edit: yes, i did mean i forgot clothes not close. i changed it! i do know how to spell that....just not how to type! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

alright i must say i have thoroughly enjoyed being 15 for the past year, but now i'm moving on to sweet 16! exciting stuff! not that it will really be any just sounds so much older. well, we shall see what this next year has in store for me. as of now i think i will just take it day to day!

oh and as of tomorrow i only have 25 days until i can get my drivers licence! sweet stuff! :)

so long! :)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

you know you need new flip flops when...

....there is a split in the middle that keeps pinching your foot. :( yes, after three and a half years of wearing my rainbows (almost every day) i finally need new ones. so let me tell you how this all began... i was dumb on friday and wore flip flops to school. while i was walking i accidentally submerged my foot in a puddle and they didn't dry out too well. instead of just drying out the leather got stiff and brittle looking; when i tried to wear them the right one got a split across the middle that now pinches my foot with each step. needless to say, i think it is about time to say goodbye to them. we have had some fun times together! they have been many places with york, hawaii, arizona, tennis matches, track meets, etc.... they have also helped me run around the track a few times: last year coach hogan wouldn't let us change our shoes before our stupid warm up lap (i can't believe i still remember that). but alas, the time has now come to retire them.
so, come tomorrow i shall be wearing a new pair! :)

wow! i have no life. it is official if i can type a whole post about missing my sandals.
see ya all tomorrow! :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

i discovered something about myself today

i think i may actually enjoy cleaning! weird i know but i seriously spent half my day cleaning my pretty much already clean room. well, it was more reorganizing than cleaning though. i found some things that i had completely forgotten i had,such as..... the christmas card i made my grandma for this last christmas...oops! :) i also found some picture frames that i had a fun time finding pictures to go in. but one of the greatest finds of the day was another golden spoon coupon! this one is only for one free 8oz. cup of yogurt rather than the last one with four, but still amazing. but, it expires may 1st so i will need a golden spoon buddy soon! i'll even pay! sound enticing??? (i mean what could be better you would get to hang out with me and get a free frozen yogurt :)

later alligators! :)

oh, by the way: congratulations to rebekah, who set a new school record today of 5'4" and to hannah who set a new p.r. of 4'8" in high jump! fantastic guys! i on the other hand need to work on my jumping abilities. :)
and congratulations to the fieldhouses, who brought tessa joy into the world today! :)

Friday, April 20, 2007

soaked sweat shirt, dripping jeans and soggy flip flops

it actually rained all day today! i was extremely happy! minus the fact that i decided to wear flip flops today (yes, i know i'm smart :). they are now nice and soggy! :) also one major plus....track practice was canceled!!! mark this date in history guys, because it is like a one in a lifetime type of thing. it is never is canceled! sweet! just pray that the forecasted rain and thunderstorms don't start until after 10:00 am tomorrow. i figure we will be done jumping by then (i'm sure we all prefer not to be jumping in the rain). after that it can rain and thunder all it wants! the more the better! :)

sayonara! :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

okay, lets see what you all think...

as you may have noticed, today was quite windy! (but, in case your not observant, i'm telling you).

so we walk out of chapel and i say "why is the wind blowing so much?!?!"
is that redundant? my friends thought so; i didn't (and still don't). they all said it should be "why is the air blowing?" since "blowing" is supposed to be implied, already,when you say wind or something like that.

i still say that the WIND was blowing today! :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

chum chum diddly dum! :)

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ................................

yeah that was my extent of singing while typing! :)

i was up until 12:30 last night making a dumb spanish book. weird thing is i'm not even tired, nor have i been all day!!!! (but i think i need sleep)

weird weird! lets see what else do i have to say that would be mildly interesting.....

well, i was right about one thing today! i completely bombed my soccer quiz in p.e. yesterday...12/25 thats like a 48%; sweet (sarcasm). it was so bad she didn't even had it back to me....i just retook it. but, i mean come on it was the monday after 10 days off and we have a quiz....not cool. it didn't help that i have no knowledge at all about soccer. all i really know i there are two goals at either end of the field that you try to score in and only the goalie is allowed to touch the ball with their hands! :) hopefully i did better the second time around! :)

i also got a sun burn today....also not cool!

alright, i really can't put together a post at the moment so i think i will just stop typing now!

Monday, April 16, 2007

part 2 of my journy to the canyon of grandness!

look more pictures!!!

yeah! this was when it began to cloud over right before it started snowing! :) pretty, but that's a long way down!

so do you think i can fly? my mother didn't think so since she was telling me to get away from the edge....just look at the picture, i'm nowhere near about to fall off! oh, and reason i'm a mass of blue is because it was freezing and my mom brought her ski parka so she gave me her jeans jacket, which just happen to be the same color of my jeans. not that i really care what i look like (to a certain extent)....just telling you all. :)

yippy family photo. but look at the background!

it just kept getting cloudier and cloudier until...................

.........IT SNOWED!!! :0 sweet stuff!
and it wasn't just the little flurries either. it completely covered the ground!

i would have been slightly more excited though had i been wearing more appropriate clothing.....still awesome though!

you know that was the first time i had ever seen it where the ground was completely snow free and then an hour later there was snow everywhere! :)

golly, i slept a lot this trip. oh well, don't i just look so innocent and harmless while sleeping??? ha ha! :)

we also got to go horse back ridding in arizona! fun fun! :)

and i got to shoot a gun! :) don't worry my target was a soda can...not something living. better watch out my aim wasn't' too bad.

katie liked just sitting on the saddle....not the actual horse

what a cutie! so how is it babies can have stuff all over their face and still look cute? :)

i actually took this from a moving car....not too bad eh? :)

well i think i will leave you with the arizona sun set! that pretty much concludes my trip! funny we went from one extreme to the next....desert then snow all in one day! :)
it was a really cool place that defiantly demonstrates the power and love of God. just how he can create something that huge and beautiful blows my mind. awesome place that i recommend visiting and somewhere i would like to go again someday. :)
well, bye for now! school tomorrow! :)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

back in sunny southern california!

well, actually i returned yesterday; i went to surprise my friend for her birthday, where i was forced to sing karaoke. rather badly i might stuff though! anywho, i didn't get home until 11:30, so i bet you all are just dying to see some pictures of my trip! well, your in luck; i wont keep you in suspense any longer. :) just be prepared for like the longest post ever to be posted.

okay, artsy photos first then the crazy stuff! :)
click on them to make them bigger!

i really liked just walking around taking fun! :)

yeah for depth of field cacti picture! :)

yes, as you can see we all really enjoyed the scenic drive around arizona. this was probably the only part of the ride when i had my ipod to myself. you see katie enjoyed playing with my ipod and then giving me her toy elmo phone to play with. :)

i did especially enjoy climbing rocks fun! :)

i also have discovered only in arizona do they call them "bucks coffee" instead of "starbucks". just kidding the lights were just out...i thought it was fitting though.

wagon wheel benches are cool!

this was on the way to williams, arizona from scottsdale right before we stopped in sedona.

wow, what am i doing? i look kinda sinister....or like i'm scolding someone.
my step sister and i never take good pictures together...we just don't.

these aren't staged that way. i promise.

here is me and my indian buddy at some cool store in sedona.

so i'm not even to the grand canyon pictures yet so i think i will post those later if you don't mind. you know break it up a bit. :)
adios for now! :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

here from scottsdale arizona

so tonight is probably the only night i will have internet access so i decided to post! our flight got into phoenix this after noon around 2:30 and then we drove here to scottsdale. let me tell you, it is beautiful. you seriously walk outside the place we are staying and there is a place to hike right in your backyard! it's awesome! so far the weather here in scottsdale is pretty hot. it's supposed to be colder in the grand canyon. anyway i'll try and post some pictures now enjoy! :)

okay so i this is soooo stupid! i went to put pictures on the computer and my camera completely died! i charged it all last night too and it has now completely died. usually when your battery is dead it will say that every time you try to turn it on, but no. it isn't responding to anything! so stupid. oh well, i only have two pics that were off my step sisters camera so here. okay i guess you will not be getting pictures because every time i try to upload them it ends up with the "this page can not be displayed. try clicking the refresh button." yeah so this post was rather pointless so i will try to make it less so by telling a rather funny story.

when we were walking around today up the little mountain thing in the back of the house my step sister had on rainbows. she was moving too slow so i left her. the next thing i know i hear a loud scream and ran back to where she was. she just goes "i stepped on a cactus!" at first i didn't believe her but then i saw it was stuck to her shoe and foot. since she wasn't seriously injured i started cracking up laughing hysterically and collapsed for like a minute on the ground. if it had been any other person i would have felt sympathetic, but it's different with family, i guess. :) it's one of those things where you had to be there and hear her type of scream.

well we are driving to williams tomorrow, which is right outside of the grand canyon. should be fun. sorry about the pictures thing. :) the good news is i brought my cool high tech camera so i can take some artsy photos and look like a tourist yeah!

alright i'm off to bed! good night! :)
so i'm all packed and ready to go! we don't leave for the airport until 11:00 though. well, i'm not sure how much internet access i will have (if any) in the grand canyon, so my blog might die for a couple of days. :( awww so sad. i know what you are all thinking "how will we survive! we wont be able to read up on danielle's oh so interesting life!" ha ha yeah right! :)

well, i just thought i'd post before i left.

so adios for now! :)

oh, and something else! i checked the weather for the grand canyon and on thursday it said it might rain/snow!!!! how exciting is that! :) i'm personally hoping for the snow, but rain is good too! :)

Monday, April 9, 2007

ummmm can i have my cart back please?

okay so i was in target getting a bunch of stuff for my mom. katie was asleep in her car seat so my mom stayed in the car with her. the tooth paste isle was a little cramped so i left the cart just outside of it. i turn around and my cart was gone. then i see some lady walking away with my it half way down the main isle of the store. i was trying to catch up to her, but was having difficulty because i guess everyone decided to go to target today and it was packed full of people. i finally caught up to her in the electronics section which is on the other side of the store. i tentatively walked up to her and told her that i think she may have accidentally taken my cart. she was really nice about it, but then we both had to walk back to the toothpaste isle, so we were near each other the entire time. that was awkward. :) funny though. the funniest thing was i think she noticed i was following her....i'm not the most discrete person.

here are some pictures of my easter.

okay i found my camera this morning. yay! so here are some pics.

katie had fun looking for the easter eggs, but she thought they were balls and kept throwing them.

yeah, i had fun climbing trees and making strange faces at the camera....don't ask.

but i think my cousin, justin, like hunting for easter eggs even better than katie. :) yeah, he spent easter with us since his family is in utah. it was fun. we were up until 2:00 on saturday night catapulting stuffed animals across the room with a ceiling fan and painting his toe nails. he wanted me to paint them purple and gold because those are his school colors for whitter. here is a i good or what? :)

he is so strange. the funniest thing was that we went to a country club for brunch and all he had was flip flops. he kept curling his toes under and hoping no one would notice. it was hilarious. :)

yep yep well i'm off to go pack for tomorrow! :)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

happy easter!

well, i was going to post some pics of the day's events, but my mom lost my camera. i don't even know how. so, instead i think i will leave you with this verse i just read and really liked. it fits with whole theme of easter. i also really liked how this version was written for this particular verse.

By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has beheld God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us.
1 John 4: 9-12 New American Standard version.
happy easter!
maybe i'll have some pics for you all tomorrow if i ever find my camera. :)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

wait, is this spring BREAK???

i cant believe how much homework i have over spring break! i have to write my history research paper, which is supposed to be five pages. then i have another history study guide thing that is mandatory to do and mr. rhodes says "this should take you a good two to three hours to complete". yikes! so that's like five hours right there just for history! i also have to make a spanish book; that will probably take me an hour and a half to two hours. boo! i have to waste my whole saturday on homework! i'd much rather be doing what i did yesterday.

yesterday was my first trip to manhattan beach! it was so fun! between playing frisbee golf in the house, almost turning on to one way streets and chinese fire drills; we had fun! not to mention insanely funny moments about BMW's and me completely not understanding this card game, mao, (spelling?)...but i guess that was the point. awesome day yesterday!

happy easter sunday tomorrow everyone!
i'm back to my homework now. :(
my goal is to finish it all before i leave for the grand canyon so i don't have to worry about it when i get back! :)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

i'm suffering from short term memory loss

so i'm sitting comfortably on my bed in sweats when i hear the phone ring. my mom answers it and then goes "oh no! i think she forgot". i'm thinking forgot what? then it clicked i was supposed to be at a tennis lesson at 7:00 and it was 7:05 oops! i jumped up threw on some shorts and a t-shirt grabbed my pair of tennis shoes and i was there by 7:11 AND it took 5min. to get there. i got dressed and ran out the door all in 1 min. flat. come on that's impressive. i was ready before my mom was off the phone with my tennis coach. sweet! that's a record! :)

oh, and something else that made my day. i played better than i have in probably a month! i was super excited! okay enough about me!

i'm going to go take a shower because i smell. adios amigos! :)


yes! finally! i'm so excited! yep yep not much else to say now! have a good friday off tomorrow! :)

oh we did have to take team pictures today. we took a high jump picture that was pretty much awesome! we made the three guys lay down on the grass in the front and then put the four girls back to back sitting behind should turn out good. i hope! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

yet another productive day for the high jumpers

i think today was quite productive anyway. you know we did some walk through, laid on the mat, pop ups, laid on the mat some more, j's, and laid on the mat some more. well, all this laying on the mat can make you hungry for a rather tasty treat! golden spoon of course! yep yep so we left practice and got golden spoon. oh, and it gets even better than just golden spoon! i know what your thinking: how can it get any better than that???? well even better than just golden spoon is, free golden spoon!!! actually FOUR free 8oz. cups of it! a couple of weeks ago i was looking through a catalog and came across a golden spoon coupon. the deal was for four 8oz cups of the delicious frozen yogurt to a party of four, and all four people had to be present. no problem; there were four of us there. almost thinking this was too good to be true i asked the guy "does this work?" he looked at it and gave us our four free small yogurts. how awesome is that?!?!

oh, and something creepy that happened today: so the track meet, tomorrow, is at la habra high school. (aka. the worst high jumping pit in the world) so mr. hogan was there at practice today and he starts talking to me. he grabs my hand, holds it and says "so you know where your jumping tomorrow right?" (all i'm thinking is please let go of my hand!) but i nodded, and he was like "just do your best"
"ummmm... yeah" let go of my hand!
"it'll be a tough one"
okay just let go of my hand; your creeping me out!!!
wow, he creeps me out!

anywho...have a good night! dont let the bed bugs bite! :)

Monday, April 2, 2007

three days left...

only three days left until spring break!!! yes! and only seven days left until i leave for the grand canyon!!! sweet! i'm so stoked!!!

oh, which reminds i though i would be back by the 14 to go to the track meet in carpentaria, but it turns out our flight gets in around 3:oo so i'll have missed it! so the other day i went and told mrs. hogan and she puts her left hand on my forehead and then hits her left hand with her right hand. she did this three times...awkward? yeah. she was like "danielle, don't expect to just take off a week and then come back and be able to start it up again." okay....first of all start what up again? i really haven’t been jumping well at all, which she is also on my case about. she was like "alright we really need to get it together and jump higher. i expect you to qualify for c.i.f this year" i was like "ummm yeah that’d be nice". you know because i'm trying to completely stink. i didn't think the idea was to jump high at all; i though you were supposed to knock the bar down….silly me! (sorry i'm kinda in a sarcastic mood) and second; it's totally all my fault i'm not going to be at the stupid track meet on the 14th and that i'll be gone so i can’t come to practice over spring break. i mean it's not as if i will just be sitting around doing nothing all day. i'll be hiking and stuff...some physical activity anyway. okay thanks for letting me vent a little. although, i'm not actually upset....just amused. i think it's kinda funny. :)

adios mi amigos! :) off to hw land! oh joy, oh joy!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

how NOT to drive

well well, today i got yet another example of how not to drive when in a hurry. some of you already know this but my step dad is a maniac driver! yeah and those maniac driving habits are just enhanced when were in a hurry to get my cousin from dinner on a 7:45 flight and it's 7:15. not that i would ever drive 60 on a 40 mph street any way, but after riding with him for the past 10 years or more, i defiantly wont. i should say something in his defense though. you see, i wasn't really worried about us getting into an accident (we were moving so fast any car would have a hard time hitting us...ha ha just kidding) as much as i was worried about the cars around us. he is a safe driver, just insane. he keeps telling me it's from years of experience. hmm? although i wasn't scared, (i have since become immune) it was hilarious to watch my cousin, justin, clutching the seat and muttering prayers under his breath....and the look on his face? lets just say i wished i had my camera with me. :)

school tomorrow!

cherrio! :)