Friday, July 25, 2008

i found my mean-side

alright, so now that you all are updated with my world travels, you can now become updated with my everyday summer life. to start with i'm working at the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach with their summer program. I work from 7am to 1pm, which always feels like forever! i don't mean to complain, but by the end of every day i'm so ready to go home. it's just since there are so many kids all aged from 5 to 12 in one confined area with only 2-3 staff. yikes! i really didn't know i could yell at people before. i honestly am not the type to get mad quickly and even when i am mad i do a pretty good job of holding in my anger and not exploding (for the most part), but that is really the only way you can get these kids to listen to you: by using a tone that says "i'm in authority, you're not". see i can be mean when i want to be :) like for example...there was this kid about 10 or 11, quite old enough to know right from wrong and what is acceptable in expressing anger. he was mad at this other group of kids for whatever reason and he starts picking up objects to hit them with. first starting small with a water bottle, traffic cone and then a broom. next thing me and the other gal working notice is he is coming at them with a chair (okay this may not seem like a funny situation, but i was on the verge of cracking should have seen the serious expression on this kid's face). the other girl steps over and takes it away (i had turned to deal with another problem) i turn back around and he is holding a table over his head! hilarious, but i couldn't show it...i had to tell him to put it down and then sent him to go sit in the corner. about 2 mins. later he was back and over and over saying "can i just kick them, please, let me kick 'em". i decided to ignore it since it was mostly for attention, but i can only be so patience. after about five minutes of persistence i just turn and go "now honestly, do you really think i'm going to say 'yes go ahead and kick them'. it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out". haha! the look on his face. sorry, if that seems kinda mean, but i had, had it. still a pretty great story.
but, work isnt all bad...sometimes its fun. the kids can be super hilarious. like these two little girls (one is 5 and one is 6) love to hang all over me, which is VERY annoying! (for the story purposes, they are both african american) but, one of them (the 6 yr old) starts going "mommy, mommy! you're my mommy". i'm like "uh, no i'm really not" the other girl turns to her and goes, i'm quoting word for word here, "she can't be your mommy...she's white!" it was hilarious! they both just looked at me like "why is that so funny?". i decided it best not to explain technicalities to them. haha!
apart from working, i've just been playing tennis and hanging out. which reminds me, you all MUST go see the new batman movie!!! so, i was totally not a fan of batman and was kinda like whatever. i mean, i didn't see the first one, so why go see the second one? the real reason i decided to go see it was just because i kinda wanted to see Heath Ledger's last performance. well, i ended up seeing it twice! it was that good. i thought anyway. they had a great cast and i must say that i don't think they could have found a better actor to play the joker...he was perfect! if you do see it and you can get past how weird the role of the joker is, you will realize that, that is some really spectacular acting. i also loved the many twists! it was definitely NOT a predictable movie at all. long, but still great. i highly recommend it!

in other news, i'm working on a 'little' project. i'm re-doing my room! you'll all have to wait and see what it looks like...i'm super excited though! i start that tomorrow, but just the prep work.

well, that's all for now!


August Herrema said...

ooh! i want to see your room when it is finished! :D

Anonymous said...

i loveeeee finding nemo :]

and yesss i kno