any who, here are some pics from Sunday June 22 and Monday June 23, which were the third and fourth days we were there...enjoy!
chelsea and aleshia (amy's NZ friends) spent the night on saturday night and it was absolutely pouring! i loved it!

so this is the valley looking out from the backyard...it flooded. if you click on it and make it bigger you can see the cows haha!

going from left to right: august, amy, aleshia, chelsea and me, of course. we were out on the front porch while it was pouring.

star with feet! yay!

then august, claudia and i couldn't resist going out in the rain and decided to jump on the trampoline! amazing!

we got absolutely soaked!!! but it was SO WORTH IT!

haha see we look like we just went swimming. oh and that is grass on my nose, just to let you know.

poor little flooded cows...

after we dried off a bit, we took chelsea home. this is litter ally the street she lives on. how cool is that!?!

they have a LOT of land...this is some of her property. cool stuff

since they have so much land, they have lots of room to practice driving...a manual...on the opposite side of the road! i was definitely the worst at it...i stalled like three times and changing gears was not a smooth experience with me behind the wheel. it didn't help that chelsea's dog (very cute dog), lucy, liked to chase the car and run in front of it! she was an added obstacle. haha! amy and august did better. still awesome fun! video's are below...check them out!

now for day 4. we went shopping and to claudia's basketball game, which was fun. we also walked up to the dairy, which no, is not a place where they milk cows. (that was what i

in a store shopping.

countdown is basically a grocery store. this was while walking to the dairy, so it was right across from the house.

also while walking to the dairy i saw this sign and thought it was funny. it's almost as if they are saying the children are slow instead of be cautious of children. haha! that is claudia on the right by the way.

that evening we went to claudia's basket ball game to cheer her on. they did great!
at least i looked happy to be there haha!

amy and i have some issues taking pictures together, but i kinda like this one even though we both look a little out of it.

one word. unfortunate...i'm talking about my face.

getting better...

and then that....

aww finally a good one! :)
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