on the 5th day of our Puerto Vallarta experience, we traveled to the island (peninsula more) of Las Calitas. it was SO AMAZING!!! it's seriously this secluded place that hasn't been penetrated by hotels, high rises or ridiculous amounts of tourism.
justin screamed at me to hand him my camera so he could get this picture of this prehistoric looking thing that was just hangin out in the tree.
then he proceeded to take this lovely picture. hey, at least we won't drown, right :)
me and the jamer (jamie)
gary and katie on the boat
Las Calitas-this area is where we got to go scuba diving. i've only ever been snuba diving (air tanks are on rafts floating on top of the water), since in most places you need to be certified to go scuba diving. for some reason (hey, well it is Mexico if you know what i mean) you didn't need to be certified. it was super cool! while waiting to get in the water was miserable because it was 85 plus degrees and you have a giant metal air tank that weighs close to 40lbs strapped to the back of you, actually swimming around down there was great. you feel completely weightless; it's actually really peaceful. justin and i found an eel, which was neat and then jamie and i got to hold a puffer fish. so funny because the fish got all puffed up and was frantically flapping it's fins,but couldn't go anywhere. poor thing.
doesn't get much better than this :)

and from there the dance party just continued :)

the boat ride back was quite the event
aunt julie, justin, me and jamie...then uncle jeff over in the corner sleeping
the moms having fun
so attractive
he stole my glasses and then put his on me...
so, why was the boat ride back quite the event? well, it started with me, justin and betsy getting volunteered to dance in front of the whole boat. the result of too many margaritas? no, i'm totally kidding. it's just us being our crazy selves. i have a video i'll post later.

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