we took a nice family picture and then me, jenna, betsy, jamie and justin planned to ask to take another one so we could add our own twist :)
so, after the above picture was taken, betsy goes "oh, i think i blinked, so can we take another one?" and we got this...
...the most amazing family photo ever! somehow justin missed the memo and simply smiled. what a loser :)
as betsy and justin look as if they are going to kill each other, i look confused haha
all the cousins . again, justin somehow missed the memo of whether the picture was crazy or normal.
we all tried to get the brothers to take a nice photo together. jenna and i were trying to put their arms around one another.
aww...how sweet
after dinner that night, we all were a little crazy and were looking for a game to play. justin, jamie, aunt julie and i were sitting at the counter talking, when jamie goes "this would be a great house to play hide and seek in". then i suggest we play sardines. if you don't know what sardines is or have never played it, you are missing out. it's like hide and seek, but reversed. one person hides and then everyone else goes looking for them. then if you find the person hiding, you must hide with them. people just start disappearing and the last person to find everyone is it. we got everyone to play except katie (she was asleep...it was really late) uncle jeff and gary (well, gary did try one round). but, it is hilarious! you end up having six people stuffed in a closet somewhere or under a table, hence the name sardines. one round jamie hid up on a shelf behind a giant jar. i walked into the room and could hear people, so i go for the closet. then i look up above me and i see six shapes (did i mention we weren't allowed to turn on lights in the rooms we went into? made it more fun) all around the shelves above me. another round, we all ended up hiding and not even realizing it. when someone asked who was left looking, we all realized that we were all in the cupboard together. but, like with any game in my family, rules must be established. for example, no changing clothes during a round. my aunt julie hid outside behind the car and betsy and justin were the two left looking. we see a light go on in justin's room above and jamie and i creep out to see who was searching in justin's room. well, we found out who was in justin's room alright. justin had decided to change his shorts and all i can say is thank goodness he had his backside turned towards the window and all i had to see was his butt. needless to say, jamie and i were not pleased haha come on who changes during a game and in front of an open window? funny though. never gonna let him live that down.
the next day, we went jet skiing, which was fun. jenna and betsy were on one and justin and i were on the other. no one else wanted to go. we also all got to try banana boating. if you have never been banana boating, this is another thing you must try. it's an inflatable boat, shaped like a banana that you sit on in a line while a speed boat tows you. it was hysterical! when we first started, the order we were sitting was uncle jeff, me, justin, betsy, gary and then jenna in the back. justin and i decided it wasn't high adventure enough for us because we weren't hitting any wake. we decicded to try it hands free and let go of the handles. just then we hit a bump, i fly back onto justin, who flies back onto betsy, who smacks gary, causing him to fall off and then a few hundred feet later all us three topple off, leaving only uncle jeff and jenna still on the boat and everyone in the middle missing. after that, it turned into a battle of who could throw the most people off. at least when justin went for me, i took him off with me every time :)

after dinner that night, we all were a little crazy and were looking for a game to play. justin, jamie, aunt julie and i were sitting at the counter talking, when jamie goes "this would be a great house to play hide and seek in". then i suggest we play sardines. if you don't know what sardines is or have never played it, you are missing out. it's like hide and seek, but reversed. one person hides and then everyone else goes looking for them. then if you find the person hiding, you must hide with them. people just start disappearing and the last person to find everyone is it. we got everyone to play except katie (she was asleep...it was really late) uncle jeff and gary (well, gary did try one round). but, it is hilarious! you end up having six people stuffed in a closet somewhere or under a table, hence the name sardines. one round jamie hid up on a shelf behind a giant jar. i walked into the room and could hear people, so i go for the closet. then i look up above me and i see six shapes (did i mention we weren't allowed to turn on lights in the rooms we went into? made it more fun) all around the shelves above me. another round, we all ended up hiding and not even realizing it. when someone asked who was left looking, we all realized that we were all in the cupboard together. but, like with any game in my family, rules must be established. for example, no changing clothes during a round. my aunt julie hid outside behind the car and betsy and justin were the two left looking. we see a light go on in justin's room above and jamie and i creep out to see who was searching in justin's room. well, we found out who was in justin's room alright. justin had decided to change his shorts and all i can say is thank goodness he had his backside turned towards the window and all i had to see was his butt. needless to say, jamie and i were not pleased haha come on who changes during a game and in front of an open window? funny though. never gonna let him live that down.

good times on the banana boat
after jet skiing and banana boating, we played some volleyball on the beach against another house in the resort. it was a group of ladies vacationing. they were hilarious! the second game, we gave them betsy and justin (our two best players, because they had never played volleyball). one of the ladies went to serve the ball and justin was at net across from me. he's mouthing to me "you're going down" and "i'm gonna hit it right at your face", when the serve comes and slams him in the back of the head. so great! i ran over and high fived the lady, who felt so bad. it was so funny though! poor justy. well, thats what he gets :)
1 comment:
banana boats are AMAZING!!!!!!!
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