's really been almost 2 weeks since i posted! i've been so busy just feels like summer is flying by and i'm not quite ready for all of this. the whole thought of college is just a bit overwhelming at the moment.
on a brighter note, although i have been busy, it's been mostly with fun things. i recently got back in touch with jenna zimmerman and we have been playing tennis, which is good. always glad to get a new hitting buddy. :) i've been working a bit still at hofts hut. i only work satuday and sunday nights, which is nice. i actually don't really mind it. most of the customers are really nice and when it is slow i get the opportunity to do one of my favorite things: people watch. for some reason i find it fascinating haha. there also are some regulars that come in, two of the most unique/interesting is this big guy that comes in every night around 7:30 to get either 2 or 3 cups of coffee. no one knows why and he doesn't talk...except if you charge him for more than one coffee. then he will give you a speech and trust me, you do not want a speech by this guy given to you; he is a bit terrifying. as long as you simply get him his coffee and charge him for one only, he is quite...calm and always gives the hostess a tip for getting him his coffee. another person i find to be interesting is a homeless guy who comes in just to sit down and read the paper or stand by the bakery case. he never says anything to anyone, but always seems really happy. the other night, when it was slow, i offered him a muffin, saying that i would pay for it, but all he wanted was something to drink, which i was happy to give him and then he just thanked me smiling and walked out. other people aren't so willing to be pleasant and we do get the occasional custom or that sends me back to the back to get her just the right pie...first it was peach then it was peach and ollaliberry, then the crust was too broken, then the pies weren't full enough and finally they were too expensive and she wanted a small pie that was too full. all in all i think i made about 6-7 trips back to the back for one lady.
anyways, that's about it for my job...real fascinating stuff i know.
lets see...what else has been happening.
i went to the beach last week with my cousin and we saw a sea lion! we were swimming out a little ways from the beach and it just came out of nowhere and swam right by us. it was seriously maybe 10-15ft away. kristi screamed and jumped in my arms, because you know, if in the oh so likely event that it tried to attack us, i would be completely capable of fight hing off this 500lb monstrosity. i just thought it was super cool! haha
i also went to the midnight showing of harry potter, cause julie wanted me to go with her...i fell asleep haha and went to a BBQ at cortes' house yesterday, where i must have popped 5 balloons, while trying to make lea a balloon animal...sad. :)
today i went to a kick boxing class with my mom and betsy, which was fun and super intense. seriously great workout! after, i took katie in the pool. she now jumps in off the step by herself with noodles and kicks her way around the's really cute. i'll have to take a video and put it up. cracks me up
i also got my hair cut today...shorter than i ever have had it. but, i like it; much easier to manage with this hot weather.
well, as you can tell, my life is super interesting right now.
i leave on sunday for mexico with my family. so excited to see the utah gang. hopefully i'll have lots of pictures. i'll try and post before i leave again. maybe about something semi-entertaining :)
1 comment:
No, you must NEVER post anything even remotely entertaining.
Is not allow!
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