Monday, April 2, 2007

three days left...

only three days left until spring break!!! yes! and only seven days left until i leave for the grand canyon!!! sweet! i'm so stoked!!!

oh, which reminds i though i would be back by the 14 to go to the track meet in carpentaria, but it turns out our flight gets in around 3:oo so i'll have missed it! so the other day i went and told mrs. hogan and she puts her left hand on my forehead and then hits her left hand with her right hand. she did this three times...awkward? yeah. she was like "danielle, don't expect to just take off a week and then come back and be able to start it up again." okay....first of all start what up again? i really haven’t been jumping well at all, which she is also on my case about. she was like "alright we really need to get it together and jump higher. i expect you to qualify for c.i.f this year" i was like "ummm yeah that’d be nice". you know because i'm trying to completely stink. i didn't think the idea was to jump high at all; i though you were supposed to knock the bar down….silly me! (sorry i'm kinda in a sarcastic mood) and second; it's totally all my fault i'm not going to be at the stupid track meet on the 14th and that i'll be gone so i can’t come to practice over spring break. i mean it's not as if i will just be sitting around doing nothing all day. i'll be hiking and stuff...some physical activity anyway. okay thanks for letting me vent a little. although, i'm not actually upset....just amused. i think it's kinda funny. :)

adios mi amigos! :) off to hw land! oh joy, oh joy!


August Herrema said...

grand canyon... how fun!!! ive only ever flown over it. it looked awesome though!

xJEWELZx said...

please dont knock on EVERY hotel room & ask if i'm there.

"oh noooooo * jumps out the window*"

u would stalk me danielle. haha jk. but yeah we need to meet up. its going to be bomb diggity dawgggggg

Anonymous said...

so, have you added to your sweet playdoh collection lately???

rebekah said...

We get to jump tomorrow! Hooray for crappy tracks and jumping off of asphalt!
