Tuesday, April 10, 2007

so i'm all packed and ready to go! we don't leave for the airport until 11:00 though. well, i'm not sure how much internet access i will have (if any) in the grand canyon, so my blog might die for a couple of days. :( awww so sad. i know what you are all thinking "how will we survive! we wont be able to read up on danielle's oh so interesting life!" ha ha yeah right! :)

well, i just thought i'd post before i left.

so adios for now! :)

oh, and something else! i checked the weather for the grand canyon and on thursday it said it might rain/snow!!!! how exciting is that! :) i'm personally hoping for the snow, but rain is good too! :)

1 comment:

amy said...

ill miss u!! have fun!