okay, artsy photos first then the crazy stuff! :)
click on them to make them bigger!
i really liked just walking around taking pictures...fun fun! :)
yeah for depth of field cacti picture! :)

yes, as you can see we all really enjoyed the scenic drive around arizona. this was probably the only part of the ride when i had my ipod to myself. you see katie enjoyed playing with my ipod and then giving me her toy elmo phone to play with. :)
i did especially enjoy climbing rocks though...fun fun! :)
i also have discovered only in arizona do they call them "bucks coffee" instead of "starbucks". just kidding the lights were just out...i thought it was fitting though.
wagon wheel benches are cool!
this was on the way to williams, arizona from scottsdale right before we stopped in sedona.
wow, what am i doing? i look kinda sinister....or like i'm scolding someone.
my step sister and i never take good pictures together...we just don't.
these aren't staged that way. i promise.
so i'm not even to the grand canyon pictures yet so i think i will post those later if you don't mind. you know break it up a bit. :)
adios for now! :)
I thought you sang very nicely last night. Especially cuz you didn't have me accompanying you. hee hee hee. :)
See you on Monday, half!
wow! was it fun? i have a hard time believing that you didnt know that a camera was pointing at you :)
welcome back. =]
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