yeah! this was when it began to cloud over right before it started snowing! :) pretty, but that's a long way down!

golly, i slept a lot this trip. oh well, don't i just look so innocent and harmless while sleeping??? ha ha! :)
we also got to go horse back ridding in arizona! fun fun! :)
katie liked just sitting on the saddle....not the actual horse
what a cutie! so how is it babies can have stuff all over their face and still look cute? :)
well i think i will leave you with the arizona sun set! that pretty much concludes my trip! funny we went from one extreme to the next....desert then snow all in one day! :)
so do you think i can fly? my mother didn't think so since she was telling me to get away from the edge....just look at the picture, i'm nowhere near about to fall off! oh, and reason i'm a mass of blue is because it was freezing and my mom brought her ski parka so she gave me her jeans jacket, which just happen to be the same color of my jeans. not that i really care what i look like (to a certain extent)....just telling you all. :)

yippy family photo. but look at the background!
it just kept getting cloudier and cloudier until...................
.........IT SNOWED!!! :0 sweet stuff!
and it wasn't just the little flurries either. it completely covered the ground!
i would have been slightly more excited though had i been wearing more appropriate clothing.....still awesome though!
you know that was the first time i had ever seen it where the ground was completely snow free and then an hour later there was snow everywhere! :)
golly, i slept a lot this trip. oh well, don't i just look so innocent and harmless while sleeping??? ha ha! :)
we also got to go horse back ridding in arizona! fun fun! :)
and i got to shoot a gun! :) don't worry my target was a soda can...not something living. better watch out my aim wasn't' too bad.
katie liked just sitting on the saddle....not the actual horse
what a cutie! so how is it babies can have stuff all over their face and still look cute? :)
i actually took this from a moving car....not too bad eh? :)
well i think i will leave you with the arizona sun set! that pretty much concludes my trip! funny we went from one extreme to the next....desert then snow all in one day! :)
it was a really cool place that defiantly demonstrates the power and love of God. just how he can create something that huge and beautiful blows my mind. awesome place that i recommend visiting and somewhere i would like to go again someday. :)
well, bye for now! school tomorrow! :)
innocent and harmless? i think not. just scroll down 2 pictures and you are holding a gun!!!! i really better watch out... we actually never talked about being shot as a way of dying today...
oh wait... why am i giving you any ideas... you already want to run me over with your car outside of the crosswalk, eat me, watch me get killed by a guy with a knife...
we have the most unusual relationship,
shooting a gun, playing in the snow, horseback riding, throwing tennis balls at me when i innocently walked through the door... what didn't you do over break!
thanks again danielle for the fun on saturday!
nice pic of the sunset!!! awww katie is sooo cute!!!! im glad u had a fun tripp!!
yes- innocent while sleeping!
i love you! you and your family have to be the cutest, funnest people ever. :]
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