wow! and not one person let me forget it. i was awakened this morning by my mother taking pictures of me....every year. and i don't look that much different...just half asleep. anyway i was greeted at school this morning by balloons a sign and if that wasn't enough for me my locker was also decorated with wrapping paper and other various items. oh, and i also had a chocolate cake waiting for me inside! but what were those various items you ask? well they were none other than the most awful/embarrassing pictures my friends could possibly find of me. displayed for the entire school to see! i actually wasn't too was funny! any who from there my day just kept getting better with all the "happy birthdays" i was getting to brighten it and then track practice! i was dumb and forgot clothes for track today, so i wore rebekah's pants that were incredibly long on me (well no duh, seeing as i am like 7in. shorter than she). but it was a good practice; they kidnapped me and took me to jamba juice! not the worst place to be kidnapped to! thanks guys! to finish up my oh so wonderful day i went out to dinner with my family...yummy! :)
sweet stuff! thanks to all my friends, you guys are the best! i love you all! :)
edit: yes, i did mean i forgot clothes not close. i changed it! i do know how to spell that....just not how to type! :)
oh, and you forgot "close?"
do you mean clothes?
happy birthday!!! i often forget to bring/wear close too- dont worry about it :)
well youre 16 now, almost old enough to drive!!!!
never give us embarrassing pictures of you... you never know what we'll do with them. =P
hope you had a good birthday. =]
im glad u had a good day!!
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