Tuesday, April 17, 2007

chum chum diddly dum! :)

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ................................

yeah that was my extent of singing while typing! :)

i was up until 12:30 last night making a dumb spanish book. weird thing is i'm not even tired, nor have i been all day!!!! (but i think i need sleep)

weird weird! lets see what else do i have to say that would be mildly interesting.....

well, i was right about one thing today! i completely bombed my soccer quiz in p.e. yesterday...12/25 thats like a 48%; sweet (sarcasm). it was so bad she didn't even had it back to me....i just retook it. but, i mean come on it was the monday after 10 days off and we have a quiz....not cool. it didn't help that i have no knowledge at all about soccer. all i really know i there are two goals at either end of the field that you try to score in and only the goalie is allowed to touch the ball with their hands! :) hopefully i did better the second time around! :)

i also got a sun burn today....also not cool!

alright, i really can't put together a post at the moment so i think i will just stop typing now!

1 comment:

August Herrema said...

ya, those pe quizes were kinda weird... i dont think we had one on soccer though