Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the world just keeps turning...

first day of the new semester! although i no longer have an off campus for 7th period, i still like my schedule. here is the breakdown:
Yearbook-Flietstra- don't even ask why i did this to myself...again. there are only 3 people in the class, consisting of me, allison and lauren. i guess i felt bad for allison, being the editor, and all 6 or so people dropping out when the semester changed...shall be interesting; i'm trying to keep a positive attitude.
Economics-Rinks-that should be interesting as well...he seems like a different sort of guy. i might even start missing mr. rhodes...a little haha
T.A.-Admiraal-pretty relaxed, so that will probably be my favorite period of the day
A.P. Lit-Terhorst-same as last semester...i hope :)
Spanish 4- Langton-also should be similar to last semester
Christian Missions-Westrup-i'm really looking forward to this class; lots to learn
Anatomy-Tamminga-we get to dissect a sheep brain, cow eye, pig heart and a pig fetus...we'll see how that goes haha. but, i think that stuff is really interesting and i love having mr. t as a teacher

i'm excited for a change and i feel ready to start second semester, but at the same time, i don't. the start of second semester means the closer i get to college. but, like i've come to realize, life is a process. enjoy what part you are at and God will ensure that you are ready to move on when it is time. :)

to end, i have some rambling on the quite random subject of homeless people or people that just simply ask for money. i'm sure everyone has experienced someone walking up to them and either just asking for money and/or delivering a story to go with it. i never really though much about it, since i felt that my parents money wasn't my money to give away. then i got my job over the summer and after i stopped working because school and tennis started up, instead of going back to just asking my parents for money, which i hate doing, we have worked a deal where i have to work for money. i either do certain jobs for them or babysit katie and then what i do with that money is my choice, but i don't get anymore by just asking. anyways, since all of that, when homeless or needy people would ask me for money in a parking lot, i would usually just give them a couple of dollars either because i felt bad saying no, or because i simply wanted them to leave me alone. although the act seemed kind, my perspective was totally askew. i always felt guilty for doubting what they will do with that money or felt guilty for just wanting to get rid of them. a couple of conversations i had with people, really changed my perspective. first, one of my friends pointed out that it really does take a lot of courage to just walk up to someone like that and ask something of them. another really good point another one of my friends passed along to me was that are we truly going to use that 2 or 3 bucks towards something better. saying that they are going to go buy drugs with it, is really none of our business and i think is more of us just making an excuse. i mean, what would any of us fortunate people use a couple bucks towards? going out to lunch? going shopping with? entertainment? all such trivial things when there really are people living without knowing where they will get their next meal. i don't mean to be preachy and i'm definitely not saying to go out and give your money to some homeless guy walking down the street. i'm just saying think about why you are doing something and what your motivation is.
sorry for that little rant, but i just wanted to get some of my thoughts down.


Anonymous said...

you ramble alot!

lol but yay we have missions togetherrrrr =] shuld be fun!

awww last semester of high school :'(

August Herrema said...

good ramble- i think about it often

August Herrema said...

did you run up against a homeless guy? what sparked this ramble?

Anonymous said...

You better keep a positive attitude about that Yearbook class! Or else she will eat your soul...

And homeless people are amazing.

And you so did mean to be preachy, don't lie to yourself little miss preachy-mc-preacherson.

Anonymous said...

that's good stuff right there. ;)
but yeah, someone i know used to carry some non-perishable foods in her car so that if someone walked up to her asking for money she would say, Oh, no i don't have any, but if you want I have some food in my car I could give you. that way you can still help and be sure that it's going for a good cause. :) you can't exactly buy drugs with a box of cereal...