love this sign! so funny!

a moose...or is it?

Franz the kidding the plaque next to the sculpture said the sculptures name is "Franz the Bear"

shoe tree

after Park City we headed to the J's house, where we left for downtown Salt Lake to visit Jamie at the restaurant she works at. we are so bad...we each asked her a question, while ordering (she was our waitress, obviously) and after about 7 or 8 questions she was like just shut up and order. haha, no she was a good sport. love her! i decided to ride with justin and seppi on the way back (justin, gary and uncle jeff all drove, since we were such a large group). as we were next to gary, justin decides to try a faster route in order to beat him and gets in the left turn lane. gary flipped! it was hilarious! if you know any of my family (especially gary), you'll know that we are such a competitive bunch! he was on the cell asking for a faster way to get there. but, as it turned out, we kept missing all the lights, so justin and seppi decided to show me some sights. we drove by the U (university of Utah), i got to see seppi's house and then we took a road up the mountain, looking out over all of Salt Lake...pretty cool. as soon as we arrived back at the house, family game night was on! have you all every played "loaded questions"? it's a riot! one person will draw a card and read a question, like "what is one thing men should never do" or "if you were invisible, where would you go?" and then everyone, except the drawer of the card, writes down an answer and hands it to the person on the right of the person drawing the card. that person reads them and then the drawer must match each response with a player. its hilarious, some of the answers you get! we played until like one or two in the morning. i don't think i have ever seen my uncle laugh that hard. he actually got up, left the room and we could still hear him laughing...all alone. it wasn't even that funny. the question was something like "if you were on the cover of a magazine, which one would it be?" and besty puts "maxim", which i guess is a branch of playboy. next to it she wrote "jk", but my uncle didn't know that stood for "just kidding" and thought it said "jr.". when he told us this, betsy goes "like what "just for kids". you had to be there, but he thought it was the funniest thing ever. crazy stuff! it was a blast to see all of them's always fun.
well, school tomorrow. can't believe first semester is almost over! lets take this next semester slow, shall we?
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