last saturday, we were in the belmont shore christmas parade (again) for gary's city council. like last year, justin came along, this year, sporting a fantastic christmas sweater; he got 16 compliments on it altogether, i believe haha. the funniest thing was, we were at a part before the parade, getting food and justin was standing with betsy and i. everyone was trying to figure out who justin was, since they know gary doesn't have a son. one guy goes "so, gary, is that their boy friend in the sweater?"...what like we share one? gary goes "heck no! that's my nephew!" pretty funny...

oh, we always do take good pictures.
when we were ridding down 2nd street, justin got tired of waving, so, being the innovative individual he is, told betsy and i to stand on either side of him and then put his arms around each of our shoulders and then waved that way...pathetic! then he goes "all these people are probably thinking ' i didn't know gary had a son' and that what a nice brother i am, hugging my two lovely sisters." he is somethin' else, i'll tell ya! he is a crack up though! funny thing is, he is around so much, i feel like he is the older brother i never had, more than i feel like he is my cousin. haha

these were the next day at the christmas tree lot, when we went to get out tree. katie was skeptical...apparently. or disgusted. one or the other
well, i think i'm pretty much caught up on my life's activities, since all i did monday-thursday of last week was lay in bed, dying...or feeling like i was dying, anyway.
tomorrow is our tennis banquet, which i'm excited for! brittany, alicia and i went shopping last weekend and found the best gift ever for coach! she's in for a real treat... :D
nighty, night time for me now, so...until we meet again...
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