these next few pictures are actually from day 2, but i just decided to include them in this post.
anyways, here is hannah, me and kristi looking intense and ready to paint!

cheyanne painting the kids hands

mrs. langton doing the same

by the time we were through the walls were covered in pictures and hand prints! so cool!

now here marks the start of day 3's adventures!

hannah and i were in the hot sun painting a mural for what seemed like hours. you wouldn't believe what humidity does to ya! look how wet our hair is, but at least we still look happy and not half dead. ummm...gross! no, actually we did NOT sweat that much (thank goodness ha!) we went to the back and got two buckets of water out of the basin thing and then literally just stood there, bent over with our heads in the buckets...we must have looked pretty ridiculous, but it felt SO darn good!

after, cheyanne and i learned how to make balloon animals! yay!
that night was the "goodbye ceremony", which was a blast! we all piled in the back of a pickup truck (as pictured right) and rode down the road to Amando Lopez, where there was singing, dancing and good food.
we left early the next morning for the city...saying goodbye was definitely the hardest part! it amazes me how i could
become so attached to a place and the people there in such a short amount of time...what a wonderful feeling to be so welcomed!
these are just with some of the teachers and ladies who worked at the school.

when we got to the city we had some down-time before we went out shopping. amy and i were a little sleep deprived and began drawing on each others feet. she copied by water bottle on my heel! oh, and life...it IS good! :)
i drew on her toes...yeah i'm pretty talented
just a picture i snapped from the bus on the way to the cathedral and shopping market.
some may think me strange, but i really LOVE looking at cathedral's...old ones especially! i think they are so fascinating!
and the artwork and detail is so intricate and beautiful
i also thought that going down to the tombs was fantastic! amy, however did not share my enthusiasm haha. this picture is the resting place of a man who fought for the people of El Salvador and their rights, until he died, still fighting.
some random tombs i took a picture of, while amy was looking at me like i was crazy...i tried to emphisize the fact that they were dead and that i was pretty sure they weren't going to do anything, but those words didn't really seem to serve as comfort...wonder why? ;)
these last two are views from back outside the church
Danielle, I LOVE your pictures. Looks like such an awesome trip!
P.S. When I first read that I thought you were serious about sweating so much. Really.
P.P.S. Have I ever told you how much I love the lotion you gave me from Hawaii? I use it pretty much everyday and the smell reminds me doubly of Hawaii and of La Creperie and you. :)
yay for more pictures!!! that was SO much fun.
especially soaking in the bucket. :)
So in the top picture you're wearing your Yearbook camp shirt.
Are you trying to tell me something?
Or is that just the unknown desire of your heart being expressed by your conscience before you realize your true calling... ?
i did NOT like that place at all.... i dont usually hang out around dead people so....
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