honestly i would have updated sooner, had i been able to. i have been sick for the last four days. like really sick. i guess i caught some type of stomach flu because on monday morning (about 1:30 am) i woke up with the urgent need for a toilet or at least a bucket. and seven more times that night, between the hours of 2:00 and 6:00 i was up. i didn't even have much food in me to throw up. yuck! no fun at all! i am feeling a lot better now. still not fully up to par, but much better. i think i'll be able to make it to school tomorrow (one day out of the week haha).
anyway, as much fun as it is to hear about my being sick, i'll just do a quick post about last friday. the adventure started after school, when august and i decided that we wanted something to do that night. we sat in the parking lot for 45mins talking and thinking about what we could do. when school got out for everyone else, (we have a 7th off campus) i went to go find alicia, who was supposed to be coming home with me. we must have spent 20 minutes going around in circles looking for each other! i went everywhere i thought she could possibly be! library, office, hallways, admiraal's room. but, couldn't find her. and since she doesn't have a phone, this was somewhat of a problem. i decided to go back to my car and see if she was there. as i was walking up to my car, i didn't see anyone standing by it and i began trying to think of what to do. then all of the sudden the door of my car opens and she gets out. only, alicia would GET IN my car (i left it unlocked when i went to look for her). so funny!
later, august came over and we hung out for a bit and then took alicia home, which was a challenge since she doesn't know where she lives! haha just kidding. after we managed to find alicia's house, august and i had the brilliant idea that it would be fun to get subway and then go to the beach and eat it there. we excitedly grabbed subway and then drove to seal beach where we spent maybe almost and hour trying to find a parking spot! a parade was going on, so there was NO parking! i then just decided to go to bolsa chica, down the road. i parked in a restaurant parking lot and we began to walk towards the beach. now, let me remind you that it was like 6:30-7:00 (very dark at this point). we walked onto the dark deserted beach and began walking towards the ocean. i looked over at august, "are you scared?"
"more nervous..."
yeah...nervous was the right word then she goes "you know, this is how those freak murders happen..."
me: "do you want to go?"
we didn't just turn and stroll back towards civilization. we ran! flat out sprinted! we are so lame. the beach seemed like a good time when it was light out... :) instead we ended up going to a christmas tree lot and running through the trees, ducking behind them, while people weren't looking. i think one lady thought i was stalking her.
we ate our subway's
amongst the trees and i even managed to kill a baby tree. i wanted to see how heavy it was so i picked it up and it fell out of it's stand. then a worker guy came up behind me as i was whispering to august to help me and asked me if i needed any help picking out a tree. i stood there holding up the tree and said i didn't, waiting for him to walk away. when he did i dropped the tree, which fell over and then ran down another isle.
i wanted the giant one, but i didn't know how to get it in my little red mustang

Odd... I had that same little stomach flu this past weekend!
We must be halves or something. :)
nothing like a Christmas tree 'slaughter house' to get you in the Christmas tree spirit. or would it be a butcher shop- 'cause technically they dont kill the trees there, they just sell 'em?
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