Tuesday, June 10, 2008


man, i have never in all my 17 year of life wanted to get out of school for the summer so bad! junior year was just as bad as everyone said it would be, but i'm still alive!

weird though...it still doesn't feel like it should be summer yet. and as much as i really am glad that i have no homework to worry about and i don't have school for 3 months, i am going to kinda miss seeing people everyday. well, i'm sure the summer will go by quickly...i fear a little too quickly

happy day! :)


hannah said...


xJEWELZx said...

get ready to cry tommorow :)

August Herrema said...
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August Herrema said...

danielle!!!! 1 week!!!!!AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Grace said...

i didn't think it was as bad as everyone said... it was probably the most fun year. =]