however, today was a day for crying. not because of graduation, but because julie is leaving and i won't see her pretty much all summer. she did most of the crying though. he he! :) poor, julie. well, it'll be fine
in other news i'm completely enjoying summer break! it doesn't feel like summer yet. these last two days have felt just like a weekend and it won't help that i have to go back to school tomorrow to work on the stupid yearbook. oh well, it'll be fun...we'll make it fun.
oh, and 5 days till i leave for NZ!!! soooooooo excited, but still have so much to do.
i'll try and find something more interesting to post about later...
that's all for now!
pretty much a post of ME :)
aww im soooo going to miss you.
i'll definatly call u while i drive up to santa barbara all by myself.. unless im listening to ur harry potter thing hahah.a
me gusta la pictura! (nice fake word right there!)
2.5 days (im counting wednesday as .5, bc we leave on wednesday- even if it is late at night!)
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