Monday, June 9, 2008

quick update

so only 3 finals left...i think i can do it! chem is the only hard one i still have to suffer through. but, i'm looking forward to being done...the end is in sight! woooohoooo!
in other news:
i did end up getting that job, so i get to be a camp counselor for a summer camp and i get paid for it! sweet! 8 bucks an hour is not bad at all for just playing with little kids. bad thing is i start at 7 am on july 14, which is the day after i get back from Costa Rica! so basically i'll be in New Zealand for two weeks, return for 3 days, leave for Costa Rica for a week, come back and get up at 6:00am. i'm going to be so dead! and my time is going to be so off, but whatever...all good things to suffer for. and the other plus about working so early is i'm done at 1:00, so i have the afternoon to relax or hang out with friends. yippie! and it keeps me on a schedule so i wont become too lazy over the summer :)

well, i better be off to bed...twas a fun weekend...i'll put up some pictures later

wish me luck on my chemistry final tomorrow...i'm going to need it!

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