Sunday, June 15, 2008

finally starting to feel like summer...

it is finally starting to feel like summer. well, actually only today did. since it was fathers day, we had some of the family over for dinner. it was a really nice day today as well, so we all sat outside. it was nice and relaxing until my step dad told my sister and i to go to the grocery store because we needed potatoes and mushrooms (random, i know). but actually it was nice; we decided to ride our bikes, so that was fun. we also decided to go next door and get some ice cream at rite aid. yummy. all in all it wasn't a too exciting day. good day, but not too exciting. i did clean out a massive amount of stuff from my room. i didn't even know i had so many papers and things from school and other things...weird. no joke i recycled a stack of papers that reached from the floor to my knee! i'm not even exaggerating!
anyways... sorry none of this is of any interest to anyone...i just haven't had much to write about lately.

but, that will change soon, seeing that wednesday i'm off to New Zealand for two weeks! crazy! i'll have lots to write about then. well, i'll try and come up with a more interesting update before then...

hope everyone is enjoying their summer and time off!


Grace said...

haha no yogurt? you always seem to have to go shopping at pavillions for yogurt. haha.

and omg that's a lot of paper. haha

amy said...

i have a ton of papers too. but i have been too lazy to get rid of them. uno mas dia!