well, sorry for my lack of posting...life has been busy. i hope everyone had a good Easter. i know i did. it wasn't too eventful. justin (my cousin, which you should all know who he is by now, since i feel like i talk about him a lot) came over to spend Easter with us. we stayed up late watching a movie and then this morning went to church, went to brunch and then came home and had an Easter egg hunt for katie, which turned into gary also "hiding" eggs for justin and i (betsy was in Baltimore with her volleyball team). the thing is he didn't really hide them...more put them in places that are impossible to get at/find. like...on the roof for example. it was interesting, but still fun. fun that is until i got thrown in the pool fully clothed (meaning i had shorts and a shirt on, not a bathing suit, but hopefully you all got that...just making sure haha!). lame! i believe my mother also took a video of it, so i'll see if i can put it up. i just happened to like the fact that after climbed out of the pool soaking wet i gave gary a huge hug and then tackled (with gary's help) justin to the ground so he could get wet too! ha! :) never a dull moment at my house. our family gatherings are never normal. something random/crazy always happens, for example...whip cream fights at Christmas dinner, the bride and groom throwing the cake at each other instead of feeding it to one another, singing Beatles songs during thanksgiving dinner...you get the point.
anywho i shall bore you no longer with my crazy family stories...here are two pictures and a video that is way tooooo long!
okay, a couple things to say about that video. one is do i really sound that way??? if so....ewww! i think i'm going to just stop talking. haha just kidding. none of you shall be that lucky! :) oh and i love how my mom asks "are you okay" i then i yell "no", but i wasn't responding to her. i think i was talking to gary. oh and if you are confused about the whole chocolate thing...gary was throwing eggs and one landed in the pool, so that's why i was supposed to go get it out.
hope you all had a blessed easter! and in the midst of all the bunnies and eggs, just remember the true meaning of Easter.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:16-17
talk about neglection of katie.
she was like crying cuz she thought you (or gary) was hurt.. she was either said DADA or just DA. poor girl.
but you are one crazy girl. & yes u sound exactly like that.. i should record ur LAUGH. u'd be surprised. hahahaha.
call me for deets about palm springs. bye byeeeee
fun, fun
he sure throws you in the pool a lot... haha.
and yes, that really is what you sound like. haha. i agree about how you should stop talking though... haha j/k (kinda =P)
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