Friday, March 28, 2008

friday already?!

wow...time is flying by. and i have had so much to update about, yet so little time to do it in. i just got back from palm springs, but i'll first tell you all about tuesday and wednesday.
i didn't do too much. i got some time to relax and then around noon august came over and we partied it up with katie and dyed some Easter eggs. well, actually katie was adding her own touch and trying to dye everything in sight as well as mix the colors, which my OCD would not allow. finally i did manage to realize that she is only 2 and let go...i was proud of my self :) haha!
later on that day i went to track practice (i know i'm good), which went awful! no one was on with jumping...still it was fun to hang out for a while. i also played tennis after and was completely on with that!

twas a busy day. i was up at 6:00am and driving over to my cousin's house to go up to Santa Barbra and visit Westmont. so that was a very long, but fun day. we got up there around 9:00 and then had breakfast at an amazing little coffee shop...cute and awesome food. then we went to Westmont (by the way my cousin, kristi, graduated from Westmont so that's why i went with her) and attended their chapel, walked around the campus and met with an admissions counselor. i do like the school and i mean i could see myself there, but there are also some things that i didn't like as well. i don't know as of right now Calvin and Westmont seem to be the only two schools i'm seriously considering, but that is also probably due to the fact that they are the two i've had the most association with, knowing people who have graduated/attend them...if that makes sense? i don't know...this whole college thing seems so surreal.
anyway, after i met with the tennis coach while kristi went into town to run an errand, which ended up taking and hour and 45 min! i was pretty much a loner sitting on a rock for an hour since my meeting with the coach only took about 45min. but oh well. we ended up going on a hike after she came back and got me. there was an amazing view from the top of the mountains! then on the way back down we decided we were hot and actually went swimming in the cold, but it felt so good! unfortunately neither of us had bathing suits, but at least it was pretty secluded area and it wasn't as if we went skinny dipping; we had sports bras on. yeah...i'm officially crazy, but i didn't want to get my cloths soaking wet! haha! it was pretty awesome. on the way back we got smoothies and rice cakes for dinner! yum! that was fun, but not as fun as getting stuck in traffic and then amusing ourselves by turning on the radio and making up words to songs that we couldn't stand. pretty hilarious when you're bored. fun stuff.

well, i'm tired, so i shall post about palm springs at a later time. hope you all are having a great week! i know i am! :)

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