so, i have a lot to post about...friday i went to knotts berry farm with julie and jane. it is always and adventure, but i found out something about myself; i do NOT like roller coasters! icky! they made me SO sick...i thought i was going to puke. it was still fun though and at least i tried to go on them. i was pretty much done after xcelorator, which i went on right after supreme scream...anyways. if that wasn't enough fun for us, julie and i got super lost going home. i mean uh, we didn't get lost we just...ended up in the ghetto and got chased down by a couple of police officers for "looking suspicious". sorry officers didn't know dancing in the car counted as a suspicious action...haha. anyone who just believed me: you are WAY too gullible. actually we just got lost for an hour. we went from buena park to downy to la mirada then finally in whittier...then we caught the 605 and made it back to cerritos (see doesn't the other story sound more exciting). no, it was an adventure. especially when you have us hitting and punching each other as julie is trying to drive. talk about unsafe! :)
well, here are some pictures of that day. i stole most of these off of julies blog...actually all of them. haha! :)

snoopy! i look kinda scared to get too close..haha
on the log ride!
wow...thats attractive...
bumper cars!
jane and me
i like how julie made half of this picture black and white...great expression of emotion. definitely my true feelings for julie kim. haha! just kidding :)
fun day! i love this picture...yay for self timers!
more stories of the weekend to come, but for now i'm going to go relax and prepare my mind for another fun filled week of school!
oh, in my fortune cookie today, my fortune said "opportunity awaits you next monday". could that mean tomorrow? we'll see...
bye for now!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Wireless, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
the grass is DEFINATLY greener on the other side (my side). muwuahahahahha~~~~~~~
beachhhh~~~.. & not that kind of BEACh. u know?
& i dont appreciate you pinching me while i drive while i almost hit the BMW in front of me!
ahaha & today in ms admiraal's room. i think the juniors are afraid of me.
anywayssssssssss spring break. we will play :D
haha i like the b/w and color pic of you and julie... especially how part of your arm is in color. haha.. but you definitely look attractive in that picture... haha. i'm surprised that you were able to keep a straight face. =P
i LOVEEE the log ride pic!!!!!!! its aweesome!
OMGSH..ur such a loser..who can't handle ROLLER COASTERS..obviously the one loser i kno YOU I LOVEE bothering youu..its funn and easy. but yea..nice pics and BLOG..and gurl u dnt kno nuthn abt the ghetto. LMBO i wuld luv to see u gettn lost in compton or watts..haha. Funnyness. !! =]
Lol okk first of all..there are NO MiSTAKES in my blog thank youu..i meant to say BEST lol and our smack that picture is gone..cuz im editing it to BLACK && WHiTE to match my so yea.. DONT TRiP !! lol
have a happy easterr !!!
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