Monday, May 21, 2007

lessons of the day

1.) don't wait to pick your subject for an informative speech at 11:30 the night before. this will cause you to fall into bed around 1:00am and then wake up at 5:00am to practice it. running on four hours of sleep isn't the best start to a new week. wasn't a bad day though. tennis this evening must have made up for it! :)

2.) when drinking water, avoid snorting with laughter into the water bottle while it is up to your mouth...especially if it is completely full. it just causes bad things to happen such as your water going every which way; ending up all over your lap, as well as up your nose, and your friends to laugh at you.

3.) when attempting to get extra credit in english, by standing up and talking about a given subject for 30 sec. while not saying "um" or "a" (not the letter "a", but the sound) try not to stand up and go "movies...okay...ummm....darn" this will result in everyone laughing at you, including the teacher, but then again i was laughing at myself so i wasn't embarrassed. :)

these are all speaking hypothetically of course. i mean i'm not speaking from personal experience or anything *cough*cough. what kind of person has all of these happen to them in just one day??? i mean come on seriously. :)
no, it was still a pretty good day though! :)


Grace said...

that water thing was hilarious... =P
of course that is all hypothetical.. it happened to your best friend fanielle, right? =P

Anonymous said...

the water was hilarious

amy said...

definately hypothetical!!

rebekah said...

Coach isn't coming tomorrow, so if you want to come visit, go for it! It will be fun. :)

So long as you don't have anything better to do than lay on the mat.

Hmmmmmmmmm, I can't think of anything better than that... :)