well well well, i just returned home from seeing Spiderman 3. good movie, however...it was a little long and Toby McGuire wearing eyeliner and dancing...that was just plain scary. otherwise i really liked it; the special effects were intense and done really well. i just didn't really like the ending. i wont say what it was, in case any of you haven't seen it and are planning to.
i will have to say this though. although i like the Spiderman movies i am definitely like 20 times more excited for Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (which comes out may 25). seriously that is like my movie! the good thing is we have that friday off of school. the bad news is i am leaving for mexico that day, so really the only way i could see it before i leave would be to go at midnight. or i can always see it when i get back. anyone interested in seeing it with me??? it's going to be awesome! :)
well, i'm going to bed now. especially since i think i may be getting sick. i cant breathe through my nose, i have had like 10 sneezing attacks today and my brain is not functioning at all (more so than usual). i also sound really funny. well, hopefully it's just my allergies. :)
good night, don't let the bed bugs bite!
yay for sneeze attacks. i get those everytime im around YOU! hahah jk.
omg i just watched spidey 3 too. & um i love the part where he dances. he looked so SEXY! haha jk. but i was like why is this so random?! there were many random parts. but he was so cute. hahahaha.
& i cried like 5 times in that movie. how sad.
sooooooo we should hang out agian soooon :D. pirates 3!! YAY!
Ummmmm, Julie? You get sneeze attacks pretty much 24/7...
hee hee hee.
I miss you, my worse half!
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