Wednesday, May 30, 2007

warning: one week!

yes, one week from today i take my drivers licence test!!! so scary! i'm kinda nervous, but i still have six whole days. so, i'm not panicking yet. maybe the rest of you who drive should though. ha ha just kidding! i'm an excellent driver! :)
well, i shouldn't be saying that...i haven't passed yet! that has to be my number one concern: passing. but, it will be what it will be.

just thought i would warn you all! :)


August Herrema said...

how exciting! imsure youll pass, and im sure youre a great driver. just dont run grace down

rebekah said...

Oh man! Everyone stay off the streets! And the sidewalks!

Maybe we should all just move off the continent for a few years...

ha ha just kidding Danielle! I love you!

(I had to say that or you might run me down.) ;)

Grace said...

i think you should follow august's advice, danielle...

and Rebekah.. you don't have anything to worry about. i'm the one danielle wants to run over outside of the crosswalk. -_-

Bethany said...

let me know how you do! maybe you can give me driving tips!