Monday, April 30, 2007
it is finally coming to an end
so this just proves; not all mondays have to be bad....this one was quite awesome!
peace! :)
Sunday, April 29, 2007

look how high i am! i wonder what height that is though?....i have some bad form there. i also think it is funny how rebekah is standing in the background. :)
yep yep! just thought i would share that. :)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
well, my day is still continuing to get better! yep yep! i now get to go hit a bright furry little ball around and take all the frustrations of homework out. happy happy! :)
oh, and my title has a double meaning. can anyone guess what it is??? :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
sweet 16!!!
sweet stuff! thanks to all my friends, you guys are the best! i love you all! :)
edit: yes, i did mean i forgot clothes not close. i changed it! i do know how to spell that....just not how to type! :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
oh and as of tomorrow i only have 25 days until i can get my drivers licence! sweet stuff! :)
so long! :)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
you know you need new flip flops when...
so, come tomorrow i shall be wearing a new pair! :)
wow! i have no life. it is official if i can type a whole post about missing my sandals.
see ya all tomorrow! :)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
i discovered something about myself today
later alligators! :)
oh, by the way: congratulations to rebekah, who set a new school record today of 5'4" and to hannah who set a new p.r. of 4'8" in high jump! fantastic guys! i on the other hand need to work on my jumping abilities. :)
and congratulations to the fieldhouses, who brought tessa joy into the world today! :)
Friday, April 20, 2007
soaked sweat shirt, dripping jeans and soggy flip flops
sayonara! :)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
okay, lets see what you all think...
so we walk out of chapel and i say "why is the wind blowing so much?!?!"
is that redundant? my friends thought so; i didn't (and still don't). they all said it should be "why is the air blowing?" since "blowing" is supposed to be implied, already,when you say wind or something like that.
i still say that the WIND was blowing today! :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
chum chum diddly dum! :)
yeah that was my extent of singing while typing! :)
i was up until 12:30 last night making a dumb spanish book. weird thing is i'm not even tired, nor have i been all day!!!! (but i think i need sleep)
weird weird! lets see what else do i have to say that would be mildly interesting.....
well, i was right about one thing today! i completely bombed my soccer quiz in p.e. yesterday...12/25 thats like a 48%; sweet (sarcasm). it was so bad she didn't even had it back to me....i just retook it. but, i mean come on it was the monday after 10 days off and we have a quiz....not cool. it didn't help that i have no knowledge at all about soccer. all i really know i there are two goals at either end of the field that you try to score in and only the goalie is allowed to touch the ball with their hands! :) hopefully i did better the second time around! :)
i also got a sun burn today....also not cool!
alright, i really can't put together a post at the moment so i think i will just stop typing now!
Monday, April 16, 2007
part 2 of my journy to the canyon of grandness!

golly, i slept a lot this trip. oh well, don't i just look so innocent and harmless while sleeping??? ha ha! :)
we also got to go horse back ridding in arizona! fun fun! :)
katie liked just sitting on the saddle....not the actual horse
what a cutie! so how is it babies can have stuff all over their face and still look cute? :)
well i think i will leave you with the arizona sun set! that pretty much concludes my trip! funny we went from one extreme to the next....desert then snow all in one day! :)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
back in sunny southern california!
i really liked just walking around taking fun! :)

yes, as you can see we all really enjoyed the scenic drive around arizona. this was probably the only part of the ride when i had my ipod to myself. you see katie enjoyed playing with my ipod and then giving me her toy elmo phone to play with. :)
this was on the way to williams, arizona from scottsdale right before we stopped in sedona.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
here from scottsdale arizona
okay so i this is soooo stupid! i went to put pictures on the computer and my camera completely died! i charged it all last night too and it has now completely died. usually when your battery is dead it will say that every time you try to turn it on, but no. it isn't responding to anything! so stupid. oh well, i only have two pics that were off my step sisters camera so here. okay i guess you will not be getting pictures because every time i try to upload them it ends up with the "this page can not be displayed. try clicking the refresh button." yeah so this post was rather pointless so i will try to make it less so by telling a rather funny story.
when we were walking around today up the little mountain thing in the back of the house my step sister had on rainbows. she was moving too slow so i left her. the next thing i know i hear a loud scream and ran back to where she was. she just goes "i stepped on a cactus!" at first i didn't believe her but then i saw it was stuck to her shoe and foot. since she wasn't seriously injured i started cracking up laughing hysterically and collapsed for like a minute on the ground. if it had been any other person i would have felt sympathetic, but it's different with family, i guess. :) it's one of those things where you had to be there and hear her type of scream.
well we are driving to williams tomorrow, which is right outside of the grand canyon. should be fun. sorry about the pictures thing. :) the good news is i brought my cool high tech camera so i can take some artsy photos and look like a tourist yeah!
alright i'm off to bed! good night! :)
well, i just thought i'd post before i left.
so adios for now! :)
oh, and something else! i checked the weather for the grand canyon and on thursday it said it might rain/snow!!!! how exciting is that! :) i'm personally hoping for the snow, but rain is good too! :)
Monday, April 9, 2007
ummmm can i have my cart back please?
here are some pictures of my easter.

but i think my cousin, justin, like hunting for easter eggs even better than katie. :) yeah, he spent easter with us since his family is in utah. it was fun. we were up until 2:00 on saturday night catapulting stuffed animals across the room with a ceiling fan and painting his toe nails. he wanted me to paint them purple and gold because those are his school colors for whitter. here is a i good or what? :)
he is so strange. the funniest thing was that we went to a country club for brunch and all he had was flip flops. he kept curling his toes under and hoping no one would notice. it was hilarious. :)
yep yep well i'm off to go pack for tomorrow! :)
Sunday, April 8, 2007
happy easter!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
wait, is this spring BREAK???
yesterday was my first trip to manhattan beach! it was so fun! between playing frisbee golf in the house, almost turning on to one way streets and chinese fire drills; we had fun! not to mention insanely funny moments about BMW's and me completely not understanding this card game, mao, (spelling?)...but i guess that was the point. awesome day yesterday!
happy easter sunday tomorrow everyone!
i'm back to my homework now. :(
my goal is to finish it all before i leave for the grand canyon so i don't have to worry about it when i get back! :)
Thursday, April 5, 2007
i'm suffering from short term memory loss
oh, and something else that made my day. i played better than i have in probably a month! i was super excited! okay enough about me!
i'm going to go take a shower because i smell. adios amigos! :)
oh we did have to take team pictures today. we took a high jump picture that was pretty much awesome! we made the three guys lay down on the grass in the front and then put the four girls back to back sitting behind should turn out good. i hope! :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
yet another productive day for the high jumpers
oh, and something creepy that happened today: so the track meet, tomorrow, is at la habra high school. (aka. the worst high jumping pit in the world) so mr. hogan was there at practice today and he starts talking to me. he grabs my hand, holds it and says "so you know where your jumping tomorrow right?" (all i'm thinking is please let go of my hand!) but i nodded, and he was like "just do your best"
"ummmm... yeah" let go of my hand!
"it'll be a tough one"
okay just let go of my hand; your creeping me out!!!
wow, he creeps me out!
anywho...have a good night! dont let the bed bugs bite! :)
Monday, April 2, 2007
three days left...
oh, which reminds i though i would be back by the 14 to go to the track meet in carpentaria, but it turns out our flight gets in around 3:oo so i'll have missed it! so the other day i went and told mrs. hogan and she puts her left hand on my forehead and then hits her left hand with her right hand. she did this three times...awkward? yeah. she was like "danielle, don't expect to just take off a week and then come back and be able to start it up again." okay....first of all start what up again? i really haven’t been jumping well at all, which she is also on my case about. she was like "alright we really need to get it together and jump higher. i expect you to qualify for c.i.f this year" i was like "ummm yeah that’d be nice". you know because i'm trying to completely stink. i didn't think the idea was to jump high at all; i though you were supposed to knock the bar down….silly me! (sorry i'm kinda in a sarcastic mood) and second; it's totally all my fault i'm not going to be at the stupid track meet on the 14th and that i'll be gone so i can’t come to practice over spring break. i mean it's not as if i will just be sitting around doing nothing all day. i'll be hiking and stuff...some physical activity anyway. okay thanks for letting me vent a little. although, i'm not actually upset....just amused. i think it's kinda funny. :)
adios mi amigos! :) off to hw land! oh joy, oh joy!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
how NOT to drive
school tomorrow!
cherrio! :)