Thursday, March 1, 2007

almost there

yet another long day today, but tomorrow is friday so that's defiantly a good thing. except for the fact i'm sorta dreading saturday's track meet.....not totally though. i mean i didn't do all that bad at practice today. i made 4'6" (my pr) once today, but after that i pretty much sucked...that's okay though. as long as i don't completely suck on saturday i'll be fine.

on another note.... is it just me or has this week been really busy? i think i've had a test or a quiz every day this week. its strange because although it's been busy, it's also been really slow. usually things go by too fast when i'm busy but not this week... i don't know. school is really bugging me at the moment, but i'll live......i hope. just kidding. i have no clue what i talking about now so i'm going to go study for my spanish quiz tomorrow....we have this really awesome song with motions for! it's fun! so if you see me singing and doing a bunch of hand motions tomorrow you'll know why. :) that should be the method of all studying. ya, like i said i have no idea what i'm talking about anymore.

good bye! : )


Grace said...

this week has been CRAWLING. it felt like a friday on wednesday... so now my body is all confused as to what day it is.
i bet that it won't feel like a friday tomorrow, because i've "already had" 2 fridays in a row.

rebekah said...

You did NOT suck, and you will do amazing on Saturday.

"Doctor, doctor, aiiiiiiii!!!!!!"

Just thought I'd get THAT in your head, even when I'm not there to sing it for you. I need someone to suffer with me, because I have been singing it ever since I got home.

rebekah said...

P.S. In just a little over four hours, I will be an adult! Then I can buy your cigarettes FOR you... ha ha ha! just kidding!

August Herrema said...

DANIELLE!!! i thought i told you smoking was bad!!! im ashamed that you took it up again. i know what you mean about school. you know how generally you look forward to friday allweek? well this week i was looking forward to my car. so after tuesday i felt like i had accomplished my goal for the week, but generally my goal is friday. so i got all confuseled and yesterday and today i thought it was fri!!! just think though, feb. is over, that is one of the longest months of the year!

pretty soon youll be crying because youre a junior and you dont want to graduate next year.

anyway, you know how fast time has gone since 7th grade? well in another amount of that time (about) youlle be 20!!! isnt that scary? beth'll be 20 in 3 years!!

xJEWELZx said...


time for me & u to hang out (dont worry me & the other girl are NOT very good friends hehe).. so yeah its going to be bonding time for me & u. YIPEEEEEEEee