thursday tomorrow! yeah! that means only one more day till friday! hmmm this week seemed to go by really slow, but then when i stop and think about it, its actually been quite fast. i don't know i think i'm sleep deprived. i've been trying to memorize this stupid speech from the merchant of venice for english extra credit, but its so stinkin long. and it's full of doths, thous and all that good shakespearean language stuff. by the way my title is a part of the speech i'm attempting to memorize. i honestly think the whole play was pointless; nothing was solved in the end, but oh well. i still have to know it and it's not that bad. it's supposed to be demonstrating justice vs. mercy and the fact that we all need to be shown mercy sometimes. yep well, i haven't got much to say.
sooooo good night! :)
i hope you get it. mem certain things are hard for me too
wow. i JUST finished memorizing it (i typed out the whole thing on a word document several times without looking at the real thing) and then i come on here... and i see the title... =P
my favorite line is "and earthly power doth then show likest God's"
it made absolutely no sense until tina explained it. =P
there are only 2 doths... and 1 thou... (yay for being a literalist!!) =P
i say the quality of mercy most definitely isn't strained... it's sifted...
haha, get it, strained as in straining pasta, and sifting sand.
see ya
" falleth like the gentle rain" or something like that.
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