so today at lunch my friends and i were talking about what we like to do when we are home alone. i personally like to sing at the top of my's just fun (try it i dare you, you'll like it) so today i was sitting printing a bunch of pictures for this picture collage thing to go in my step dad's office. it was rather tedious work so i turned on some tunes and completely forgot my family was in the house and started to sing. i just got so in to praising God that i didn't really care if i was heard. mind you i really don't know if i was on key or not since i had headphones on, which probably made me sound ten times worse. my family just closed to door and were probably contemplating my sanity...just kidding. but do you ever get into worshiping so much that you just don't care who's watching or listening? i hope so; it's such a completely awesome feeling! for me it's when i can sing without a care in the world. i feel like all my problems are lifted and the stress of life is gone. so i'm interested. what is it for you? what really sets you on fire for God? i want to know so feel free to tell me anytime. i'd like to hear about it.
so also during my picture searching i found some pictures of katie when she was like three days old. just look how much she has changed! it's amazing!

it was only a little over a year that she was that small and now she's walking! awww i sometimes miss her being that little, but then again it is pretty cute that she can give hugs and kisses now (even if her kisses are very slobbery and wet; still cute). alright i'll be done now!
have an ober awesome weekend everyone! :)
wow danielle has no life!
jk! she really does. but she comments like 10000 times on other people's blogs
what a weirdo! who does that?!
idk. but i love danielle. she's the sweetest girl EVER
i agree.. too bad she gets dissed EVERYDAY & everyone loves making fun of her.
yeaaaaaaa. and she always feels bad about things even when she doesn't even do anything wrong!
oh goodness gracious
ohhhhh danipoooooo
& danielle always DITCHES julie kim for other things. like FAMILY & TRACK. whats so important about that?!?! hahahahaha.
aw poooooooor julie kim
i know! poor julie! she's so coooooooooool. she's the besttttt~~. i can go on but i'll stop right there
oh gosh.
oh gosh.
i dont know what else to say besides julie & danielle NEED quality time together before julie dies. haha.
yes yes yes
meow? i.t.?
i like kitties
bye danipoo. love ya
its def. singing for me too! sometimes ill start singing, and th4en my mom will join in, and then my brother will too. its cool
was that julie having a conzo w/ herself!!!!!!!?!?!?!? wierdoo!! jk. i saw that there were 22 coments and im like dang it i missed a blog convo but i didnt so im happy. katie has grown up soooo much!!!! i agree w/ u aout the singing thing. at time i really dont care wat othr peeple think or anything like that.
hmmm.. i really like just listening to christian music... it always helps me to calm down and stuff.. so i usually listen to music when i do my homework (depending on the subject, though)... but what makes me feel closest to God is either writing in my prayer journal, praying in my head, or just sitting there in silence before God and letting Him speak to me. i'm really into prayer... i don't know... i guess it's like i love reading, so the Bible is great and all, but i've read the whole thing, so it's like it's not new anymore... that sounds bad... and i guess it is, but i don't know... i usually come out with a different perpective on a verse or a new insight if i re-read it, but yeah. it's hard for me to get into the Bible sometimes, because i have this mindset that i'm not going to learn anything new... but then i pray, and He shows me something i missed... and yeah. so if i just had the Bible and couldn't pray, the Bible wouldn't be as... effective for me? i'm not sure if that's the right way to word it.. but yeah.
the thing i love about God is that i'll never know everything about Him, and i'm always able to learn something about Him... whether it's a new attribute or just experiencing His love to the next level.
prayer just really reassures me of God's presence, though... because i always feel like He's right there when i pray. =]
i always do long comments on your blog.. sorry.
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