Thursday, January 11, 2007

i cant breath through my nose :0)

whaaaa...i hate being sick! (if i'm really sick?) my nose is red and hurts from blowing it so much, my head feels like its going to explode and worst of all i have sooooo much homework. sheesh, i mean we get back from christmas break with two weeks until finals and they just pile it all! oh, and i'm talking funny too, since i cant breath through my nose. good thing is though, i dont feel sick. my sinuses are just bothering me.....hopefully it will stay that way(well not my sinuses staying this way, just the not feeling sick part). maybe i just have a sinus infection...i dont know.....but i do know my mom keeps making me drink all this nasty tea stuff thats supposed to help your sinuses and immune system. normally i like tea, but this stuff cant really even be called tea, its so gross.

yeah other than that my day has been okay....except my friends made me take a spelling test at lunch....i'm a really bad speller, so she decied i needed some practice. unfortunatly she had to pick some really hard words :(.....but somehow in elementry school i remember they let us study our words before taking a test. :)

and hopefully it will rain really soon, but hopefully that somtime soon is tomorrow so i can enjoy it during the day. :)

happy homework trails to you all (to thoes who have any) :)


xJEWELZx said...

so pretty much i went to wait with u today after going to the office and U WERENT THERE. and i was depressed. u leave early everyday now! T_T sadddddd.

so...... why is it called KEY lime pie?! haha. go call the inventor of key lime pie. pwuahahah. :) gbye my love. see ya tommorow

Grace said...

hey - i told you you could study your dictionary!!
at least you knew what all the words meant!

August Herrema said...

dont worry, now im sick too- i hate being sick before finals, its like being miserable w/out getting the chance to rest 'cause you gotta study!!! we can be miserable together- but i actually feel sick, so ill be more miserable =(

Grace said...

oh but the worst thing is to be sick DURING finals... or at least with a cold... so you're like coughing the entire time... and it's all silent besides the continuous coughing. not to mention that you don't feel well and can't think as well. i feel sorry for the people in my classes during finals that are sick... =|

cristina said...

is your nose running???
it is?
then you better go after it and cathc it!!!

ahh, the fun of simple humor :)

xJEWELZx said...

so we totally need to hang out monday fosho. get a disneyland pass! hahahah jk. but yeah lets just hang outtttt. :)
i totally LOST my cellphone so u cant call it. :( call my house phone 562)8601231. but yeah i think i wrote down ur number but im not sure. i'll call u forsure & we BETTER HANG OUT :D.
love ya <3

xJEWELZx said...

nevermind disneyland is a blockout day T_T.
o well we can do something else :D haha.