Tuesday, January 23, 2007

on the move

it occurred to me today(not that it hasn't before) how much God has given me. i really thought about it and then how ungrateful i can seem at times. i wouldn't say i complain excessively but i do my fair share. i mean it doesn't make sense why spend my time dwelling on these "oh so awful things" that i wont even remember next week or even in a few days, when i could think about all the things God has blessed me with. especially a family that loves me and awesome friends! i think a goal that i am going to set for myself is to just be more positive and focus on all the things i do have instead of the ones i don't. :)

on a differnet note: look who's walking without any one helping!..

great she's on the move now we'll really have to keep a close eye on her....luckily we still have some time. she isn't that stable yet on her own.

check out those shades eh? pretty stylish if i do say so myself. those were mine when i was little. can you believe i actually wore those in public when i was little? well i did. no lie. i was like 9. a lot has changed in 6 years. :)

but yep, what a cutie huh? it's so fun watching her grow up and learn something new everyday. i never thought having a baby sister could be such a learning experience for me. its fantastic! :)

well adios for now! i'm back to studying for bio.

good luck on finals tomorrow everyone! :)


Grace said...

katie's so cute. =]
oh come ON, danielle... i saw you wearing those sunglasses this afternoon! j/k. but if you're little, you can pull that type of thing off... if you wore them to say... school nowadays...
we should've betted when we played backgammon.

cristina said...

she's up and walking... time to put a racket in her hands!
just joking :)

August Herrema said...

oh danielle, you havent changged that much! j/k im glad youre enjoying being a big sister =)

August Herrema said...

oh- do finals count as one of those little things that youre not gonna remember in a couple of days?