Wednesday, January 24, 2007


have you guys ever done one of these mad lib things. i just did one online. i typed in random words where it told me to place a noun, adjective, verb; and this is what it came up with.... fun fun! :)

This One Is Just Right:
It can be tough to find a good cracker. There are so many places that sell the cracker that finding the right one is generous work. But don't be discouraged! This guide will help you find the perfect cracker.
The best time to buy a cracker is on a Thursday July 25 because this is when stores usually get their shipments from Venezuela, and you know your cracker will be fresh.
The cracker should be sickly and rambunctious. Make sure the cracker is solid by tossing it in the air. Roll the cracker around in your hand. If the cracker is perfect, when you shake it gently it will make the same noise that goats do. It's such a pretty sound.
After you have found the perfect cracker, use special care when taking it home. Ask the store to wrap it in a few layers of grass. This will prevent it from jumping. When you get your cracker home, unwrap it slowly or it may hop away.
Follow these instructions carefully, and you can shop successfully for the cracker of your dreams!

oh, as for the "what" in my title.... i'm not going to tell you "what". i'm really excited though. i will leave you all in suspense... ha ha ha! you'll all just have to hunt me down tomorrow at school to find out. ha!
or i'll probably post it tomorrow, but it's more fun to see in person... at least for me!
feel free to guess, as stated in my title, but if you think you acctually know, dont say. but i wont tell. :)

last final tomorrow! oh yeah!

cheerio! (hey that sounds good. i think i will go have some cheerios) :)


Grace said...

i liked the old one where we were riding on a radish... too bad you left it at the restaurant... =P
i love madlibs, though... they are so funny.

August Herrema said...

danielle, i think katie is having a little too much influence over you. the cheerio's are for her- dont steal food from a baby

August Herrema said...

as for your 'guess what" question, i am going to list several possibilities below:
youre pregnant,
youre moms pregnant,
betsys pregnant,
katies pregnant,
gary- wait, he cant be. can he? j/k
you got a car,
you got a license- but its too soon,
you got in an accident- but you wouldnt be excited,
youre moving,
you guys are filling in your pool,
oh (i forgot one) your cats pregnant,
youre getting another kitten,
sandy died so you get to get a new dog...

im out of guesses, cant wait to hear your news- tell us at school love ya

Grace said...

i bet it's that you cut your hair and donated it.... that's why we have to SEE you. =]

i highly doubt that she'd be excited if it were your first possiblity, august... you never know... but... O_o =P

Grace said...

be glad that i actually seriously guessed... rather than what i guessed for kamille... "you got a plastic mokey and gave it to your mother-in-law!!"
i honestly meant to say mom... but i said mother in law... woops... =P

danielle said...

your disgusting august. i do have a set of moral values ya know. but no, NOBODY is pregnant in my family. plus its not that life changing....*sigh what WILL i do with you? :)

August Herrema said...

oh, excuse me. i didnt realize my guesses were so offending to you. i just wont comment any more. j/k, i know none of my "guesses" are right. grace is probably right since youve been talking about it for awhile