Friday, January 19, 2007

for rebekah

okay i didn't mean for it to sound like i don't like track. i sometimes dislike "track" i absolutely LOVE high jump though. especially the people that do it with me! (it wouldn't be the same without you, hannah, and laura) so your right, tennis isn't really better than high jump just better than track.(does that make sense?) :)..... i don't know i guess there just different, but i still love them both! your right cilorf nac i.....good times!

p.s julie remembered your name today!


Grace said...

haha... i think you just like those sports because your FAVORITE person is the athletics director.
you know it's true... don't deny it. =P
that was so funny when we were in the hall after the NJC meeting, turned the corner... and then you FROZE. =P

rebekah said...

Wow, a whole post dedicated to me? Awwwwww, you shouldn't have. ;-)
I know you don't hate high jump. I was just teasing you. :-)

xJEWELZx said...

wow the p.s. hahaha.

UM IM PRETTY SURE TENNIS IS TOTALLY BETTER. im dissapointed. how could u say that?!!?! its so much better cuz i'm in it. DUH! ouch i feel dissed. hahaha