Wednesday, December 27, 2006

floor it?

okay, this might be getting a little old and boring hearing about my driving, but i'm going to tell my story anyway. tonight was my fist time on the was kinda scary. my instructer kept telling me to go faster to get up to speed, but i couldnt maintian 65 ( or wouldnt) so he was like "your going to listen to me right", i'm thinking "duh why would i be in this situationg if i hadn't been listining to you" but i just nodded. then he says "okay floor it"......double take....."what"? i quick floored it then eased up. so he just says "no floor it until i tell you to ease up" so after some persuation i did. i had the pedal to the floor for like 10 seconds (which is a pretty long time) before he said ok you can stop. so yeah that was my freeway experiance....not the most welcoming but now after the fact it wasent all that bad....i have to learn some time. better sooner than later.

but dont worry i dont think i will be flooring anything when i start driving on my least i hope not.

thats my story.
i'm off to clean my closet out to make room for my 11 new sweaters. oh joy.
bye bye! :)


amy said...

i can totally picture ur face!!! lol. u better not floor it when you r drivin by urself!! =] lol

Grace said...

omg. i'd never do that. i'd be like "no way, mister!" and then get off at the next off ramp. =P lol
where'd you take drivers ed from? i don't think you ever told me... or if you did, i don't remember =P. isn't it like you took drivers ed and drivers training from the same place? i thought that's what you said... could be wrong.
good luck with your closet. i could never fit 11 sweaters in my closet. my closet barely has room for the clothes i currently have. =P

Grace said...

or actually, if i didn't say no, i'd play dumb and be like "floor what?" =P i bet i could pull it off if i could keep a straight face. =] =P