Monday, December 4, 2006


¡hi, deseé pensar en una manera creativa de fijar tan esto soy lo que subí con… mecanografiar en español! el oh mana yo tenía de todos modos una historia divertida a decir, pero me olvidé de ella. :( . lo fijará si viene importar.....for those of you who dont know spanish it says.....

hi, i wanted to think of a creative way to post... so this is what i came up with...typing in spanish! well anyway i had a funny story to tell, but i forgot it.
:( oh well, will post it if it come to mind

and by the way i really dont know spanish this well i translated it on google, but until you just read this i bet you were impressed :)


cristina said...

that made absolutely no sense haha... i was starting to feel really stupid that a spanish 2 person wrote this and i, a spanish 4 person, couldn't understand it :)
i'm printing my pictures right now!

Anonymous said...

i could tell u used google from the first word. u r NOT that good at spanish!!! lol. no ur gr8 but i knew that was google coz i have used that MANY times! lol.