Sunday, December 24, 2006

christmas eve is finally here!

okay, i havent really spent very much time posting things lately. but thats kinda cause i haven't really had very much to post today for instance it's like 4:00, i'v been awake since 7:00 and i havent even left my house. we have also had the radio on all day and this is now the 3rd time today i have heard feliz navidad! i'm sooooooooo board, but hey tomorrow is christmas! so i guess i'm also super excited! i also have noticed that i have been complaining alot lately, when i should be thankful for the time off of school. anyway last night i had another chrismas party to go to at my neighbors house down the was super boring but we managed to entertain ourselves by taking random and crazy are some....really embarrassing!

just don't ask, because i have no clue what i was doing.

this is my next door neighbor, my step sister, and me just being crazy

gosh, what boredom can do to people........

.......especially when there is a camera around.

hope it makes someone laugh!


Grace said...

omg... i almost didn't recognize you in those pictures... o_o! (except for the first one). and i'm not even going to ask about that first one... >_> all i have to say is WOW.
haha.. you're absolutely crazy... at least it looks like you had fun.... =P

August Herrema said...

i love how in almost all the pictures, someone only has 1/2 a head? are you trying to say something, or was that a coincidence? love ya, merry christmas (in 5hrs, 38min)

amy said...

lol. u r silly!! but i think i wuld do the same thing if i was in that situation. lol

xJEWELZx said...

cute pics! and yeah i can totally come :) im excited. it'll be FUN FUN FUN. we need to play CATCH PHRASE agian w/ those neighbors. so much fun! HAHA. and plus we're like the BEST TEAM EVER> seriously we haveeeee to be on the same team. hahahaha. good times.!

Anonymous said...

we defintiely need to hang out during break! call my house number in the school directory. if i'm not home, just leave a message!