Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Castro

I liked the black and white, but honestly the picture below is a more accurate visual portrayal of this district. Although, you could argue that The Castro has some very black and white views on certain things. So, in case you don't know, this district became known as a sort of "Gay Mecca" in the 1970's. It started becoming a place that was friendly to the gay community, therefore drawing people from this group to it. The 1970's also marked the campaigns for equal rights run by Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay man elected to public office. A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to see the movie that was made about him. Spectacular film and story; I definitely recommend it. I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that being here, in the places that these movements in society took place, is such an impacting experience. I , fairly often, am able to walk past the old location of Harvey Milk's Camera store, where his many campaigns were run out of. Castro Camera is no longer, but the store is now a location for The Human Rights Campaign, which I think is a great thing. They also have a plaque outside dedicated to "The Mayor of Castro Street" and a mural on the wall inside the store honoring what he achieved and symbolized not just for the LGBT community, but for groups everywhere of people that have suffered oppression, exploitation and violence. It is incredible how "in the dark" I was about my views. Not that I didn't have views about this topic before coming here; I now feel as if I have simply solidified them-they may have even shifted a little. Very moving, hopeful and sorrow-filled story.

Anyway, The Castro's history, powerful as it is, isn't the only thing that gives this particular part of town it's lively character. The large sign in the picture is the famous Castro Theater. I saw a showing of Breakfast at Tiffany's there last week. It was great to get out and be able to see a classic on the big screen; and I had never been to a movie by myself before, so that was a surprisingly fun and new experience. In addition to the Theater, there are many interesting shops to be looked at and explored, including a store called Hot Cookie. They have the most delicious cookies and some of the most hilarious advertisements. They have some cookies which are shaped like the human genitalia in addition to their famous "Hot Cookie" underwear, which they show off with people's pictures all over the walls wearing a pair (most of the time, just that). I can't really describe it in a tasteful way, but you have to take it in the right context-it is just funny, I promise.
And, finally, what would this dedication to this district be without sharing a story?
So, last Saturday night, Barrett and I went to a movie at The Roxy Theater, which is an old-style theater that shows more off-beat films. It was their Indie week, so we went to one and it was quite enjoyable. We decided it would be nice to just walk home, since we were on the out-skirts of The Mission. As we came to Market and Castro St., Barrett turns to me, half joking, and asks, "Want to see what the Castro is like on a Saturday night?"
"Sure! Let's do it!" was my reply.
We turned down Castro St. and began walking. We walked to the end without seeing anything too wild. There were just lots of people out, visiting the bars, restaurants and clubs. We crossed the street and began the walk back, passing a man wearing a rather conservative black dress and heels. As we continued walking, we encountered many transvestites, dressed up, hair done, excessive make up. I literally bumped into a man wearing a hot pink, skin tight dress as I tried to walk through a crowd of people who were waiting to enter a bar. As we came to the corner of Castro and Market (the end of the main strip) we spotted one of the most interesting sights I've witnessed in my short life. A man was standing on the corner with a group of friends, completely nude, save for a custom-made gold sock, placed strategically. This is going to sound completely weird, but both Barrett and I agreed that since it was The Castro, it is almost an expected sight. The main problem we had with it was that we didn't' know how to react. You are so taken aback that you want to stare, but you really don't, but if you avert your eyes you don't want others to think it is making you uncomfortable. It was one of the more hysterical experiences I've had in the city.
Can you believe I still want to live here? haha Really though, I don't want to scare you about The Castro. It is a wonderful place-one of my favorite districts in fact. Well, like I said before, I'm gainig a lot of new perspective on the world...

1 comment:

Grace said...

what is with the dates on your posts? i'm really confused. or i'm confused as to why i don't see them til way later.. haha. like i checked your blog like.. yesterday or the day before, and this post wasn't here. and yet, the date says it's been up for weeks.

anyway, nice new layout. =]

and oh the sock story...