...E I E I O! A couple of weeks after the event of the apple farm, my dorm section went to an Alpaca Farm located in the hills of
Carpenteria. It was quite the day. It began with us getting lost, but somehow beating the rest of our people. After driving up into the hills on a road that resembled a place where a murder might take place in an old mystery novel, Ali, Barrett, Amy and I pulled up the alpaca farm, taking comfort in the fact we had found the alpacas. But, relief flooded us too soon. The gate to the pasture where all the rather creepy animals were staring at us, following our every
movement, was opened and a herd of alpacas came charging out. All four of us sat there in the car yelling in a monotone pitch. We then realized that they were simply being corralled into the next pen and then all came out of the car, rather abashed. We met the lady who owned the farm and then walked around for a while, petting the animals and feeding them, even taking them on walks. Honestly it wasn't that

They aren't very friendly...unless you have food.

Although, Barrett seemed to connect with them well.

Ali and her new friend,

This picture cracks me up...it looks like she is killing it.

I also got spit on...in the face, which was one of the most disgusting experiences I've even had. Seriously. After that, I wasn't too fond of the alpacas. On the way back, all four of us were starving and so we stopped at a
sandwich place on State St. It was good and we even managed to have some interesting experiences there. First, Barrett had to tell the cashier all about her visit to the
alpaca farm after he asked how her afternoon was going. She even lifted up her foot and
showed him, her alpaca wool socks...oh dear.
Then, the make the
experience even better, we all decided it would be a good idea to wash our hands before eating and proceeded down the hallway to do so. Barrett opened the door to the bathroom and I was standing on the outside. She sees me standing there waiting and then closes the door in my face just to mess with me. At that same moment some women begins walking down the hallway in our direction. Barrett, not knowing the woman was there, flings the bathroom door open and launches out at me, pinning me against the opposite wall. The lady jumped back and then looked pretty offended as she continued down the hallway. Pretty hysterical.

On our way back to campus we saw some pretty interesting things...like this sign, which was
comical. And then a sign for a plant sale. You think you know what you're getting yourself into when you go to a "plant sale" in
Montecito, but alas, no. It was way more sketchy than you'd think and surprisingly worse than the alpaca farm murder mystery road. There was this old guy that appeared out of nowhere and he looked like he had been dipping into his stash a bit. He greeted us by saying something like "Oh, laugh while you're young. You all must be really great friends...like this." and he held up his first two fingers
separated in a peace-sing like motion. Interesting end to an interesting day...

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