Anyway, after this eventful packing experience, break was excellent. I arrived home friday night and got to be made fun of thoroughly in the car by Grace and my mom as we drove Grace home from the train station. When I got home, Justin and I decided to get some yogurtland. Letting him drive was not relaxing, but we made it and he made me dance to the new Eminem cd, which I'm sure you can imagine was ridiculous. When we got to the front of the line in Yogurtland, the lady working at the register asked us if we were paying together or separate. I was about to say "separate" when Justin goes "Danielle, I'll pay for yours because I have a confession to make. I used all your shampoo." (he is living in my room while I'm gone if I haven't mentioned that).
"My coconut smelling shampoo?"
"Yes, I like it quite a lot. And don't worry, you still have conditioner; I don't condition my hair that often."
The poor lady looked so confused and as if that wasn't enough for her to learn all about my cousin's hair care he then looks at her name tag that read "Danielle" and finds in necessary to say "Oh, would you look at that! Danielle and Danielle. Two Danielle's in one place. Oh my goodness." then just meandered out of the store. What a weirdo.
The rest of break was both relaxing and fun. I got to hang out with my family quite a bit and see some friends as well.
Thanksgiving day marked Katie's 5th birthday. I can't believe she is five...I'm sure I say that every year, but it's true; she is growing up so fast. Our family all came over and we had a nice dinner at our house, which was pretty fun. Good time spent.
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