later that day, Allison and i had to work on yearbook stuff, so we went and grabbed a delicious lunch of pita bread, hummus, strawberries and frosting from pavilions and then some boba to top it off. fabulous! we started attacking eachother with boba when ms. myhren left the yb room and then got the unsuspecting sasha marson, who was sitting in the hall way waiting for her family, since there was some speech contest going on with the elementary. we then left school to go to whittier and pick up justin, so allison got to meet more members of my crazy family. justin and i dropped off allison at her grandpas house and then proceded to travel back to my house.
but, alas, we were detained as we passed by a psychic reading place and justin wanted to get a price quote to see if it was under $10 so she could “read his future”. both of us were just curious, since we don’t buy in to the whole psychic stuff. it was sort of on a whim and we ended up sitting in this woman’s house waiting for her (that’s where her business is). after 20 mins of waiting, we wanted to go, but first had to explain to the nanny, who was the only one there, that we were leaving cause we didn’t have time. the problem with this was she only spoke Spanish and the minute i showed signs of understanding and communication in Spanish she spoke at full speed and justin and i were left to hand gestures and looks at one another, trying to determine what she was saying. oh the things we get ourselves into…
when we got home, we went out to dinner with my parents and katie. within five mins of sitting down at the table, justin was handing me something from katie and hit his full lemonaid glass right into my lap. yes! sticky and wet all dinner long… I thought it was funny and he just felt so bad. never a dull moment. When we got home and I had cleaned up, we played some wii (my family is obsessed with our wii) and justin and I decided to go to a movie and see X men. Justin being justin, he didn’t tell me it was opening night and all the showings were sold out till 11:45. he picked out another move (i don’t even know the name) and we probably only watched 15 mins of it. it was the worst thing I have ever seen! every other word I kid you not was the f-word. they said it at least 3-4 times in a sentence and I don’t think there was a sequence of two sentences without it. and I’m not exaggerating. Not to mention in the whole 15 mins we were in the theater I saw more nudity than I have ever wanted to see. I was pretty much sitting there trying to block it out and finally turned to justin and said that I couldn’t take any more of it. he was like “yeah i had no idea it was going to be like this or k would have never taken you to see it” and we left to go see if we could exchange out tickets for the 11:45 showing of X-men. it was a much better place to be. good movie. except we didn’t get home until like 2:00! i was so tired!
thinking about that first movie though, I was just in shock of what is actually allowed on movie screens. it’s sick! do you ever have those experience where you are just shocked that something can be that bad and it makes you realize how sheltered you really are? honestly, i think it is a good thing to be sheltered. the more you can block out of this world the better. oh well, it’s a shame people have to be like that. makes me question what has happened to the human race and where it’s going.
well, on a lighter note, I babysat katie tonight after taking jus back to school. we baked gingerbread cookies and then decorated them. she had fun with that. :)
oh, and here are some pictures from my birthday last week.

and then they teamed up on me... great do i really want to live with her next year??? haha just kidding. i'll just be sure to sleep with one eye open. 

august is excited for something. cake?

well, that is the short update on my life. will be back again soon.
wow! you sure have a lot of adventures... :)
haha kamille looks like a small person in that second to last pic :D
well... next to danielle, anyone would;p
just kidding~ i love you
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