you'd think that now track is over, it would leave me with lots more time, but apparently not. so much has been happening, so i'm sorry for the lack in my updating (not that anyone cares all that much). i'll just take you all briefly (well somewhat briefly) through my week last week.
monday was the NHS awards thing...really not exciting. branden and i spent the entire time talking and i almost fell down the steps, but other than that it was pretty boring.
tuesday night was much more fun, as the high jump team met for their annual dinner at CPK. i sat at the end next to coach and across from matt and ryan, so we all just talked about college and plans for summer. then somehow matt brought up being released into the wilderness with nothing but a chicken, rabbit and a knife while not being caught by people looking for you. coach and i pointed out that the chicken could give you away if the feathers were left anywhere. but, matt had the solution and i quote "you could make a nice little pillow...or better yet a chicken suit! then you could walk around and attract more chickens to eat!" and then he proceeded to flap his arms and make chicken noises. hilarious! what was better was the fact that he was totally excited about his idea...oh, matt. after dinner, hannah, amy (sybesma), matt, ryan and i stood outside and talked for about an hour.
wednesday, i had been planning on going to the Long Beach Rescue Mission, but then got caught up with yearbook senior tributes and spent my wednesday afternoon working on the book with allison and lauren.
thursday after school i went running with allison for a bit. it only took us about 20mins to find me some cloths and running shoes. yay! i ran about 2.5 miles with her and then let her keep going while i went home and showered before returning to meet up with allison again at swingin' the night away (we were taking yb pics).
friday afternoon was good; i went over to my cousin's (kristi) apartment to make cupcakes for justin's going away pool party the next day. we had way to much fun with our baking! we made these double chocolate cup cakes (from scratch) and then frosted them with the most wild colors! we first put on a layer of our homemade chocolate butter cream frosting and then did different designs on top with colored cream cheese frosting. we also spelled out "WE'LL MISS YOU JUSTIN" across them. the were amazing! after our cupcake making, we watched the office...season finale! and oh my goodness what a way to end the season! SO CUTE!!!! i'm seriously obsessed with the show. haha. we also walked up to a craft store and got some fun stuff and then had a dance party in the living room...good times.
saturday the whole family came over for a pool party to send justin off...back to utah for the summer. it was a lot of fun. later, after everyone left, i babysat katie for my parents while they went to some event. she fell asleep watching wallie, so i had to change her into her pjs while she was sleeping. it was tough, but i did it :)
sunday was quite relaxing. i manged to get my car washed and go for a run. later, i went to pick up justin from whittier, so he could have dinner with us and spend the night...yes just when i thought i wouldn't see him again haha. but it was fun. we got some yogurt land and then were hanging out upstairs about to play some wii and the walls started shaking. justin looked at me with this shocked look (he had never felt and earthquake before) and i immediately realized what was happening and simply go "oh look we are having an earthquake". he again started at me as a couple pictures fell off the wall...intense! we just sat on the couch waiting for it to stop...probably not the smartest plan since we were in a room with tons of glass, but hey. we are alive. the big one is coming... :)
well, that should bring you all up to speed on my life. school was school today...i did dissect a cow eye in anatomy, which was pretty cool. and i almost got thrown in a trashcan by gabe, but other than that, it was a typical day. or as typical as a day can be in my life. it was the last monday of my senior year though! it's a quite melancholy feeling this graduating is.
oh well, i'm off to play some tennis!