Wednesday, April 22, 2009

down in the ol' south

well, we got a little bored on the 3 hr. drive to colonial williamsberg...not to mention we were squished for half of that ride in a back seat that was only enough room for one person haha
yep...still drivin'

we tried switching smiles...uh, we should definitely stick to our own :)

august is not sharing my desire to rock

hotel in Virginia that we stayed in. it was built in the 1930's and was really cool...totally southern design and apparently the queen of England has stayed there multiple times. so has Ronald Reagan and many other famous people...the bell man gave us a list and started talking to me and august when we got lost wandering around one night. seriously we were so lost! it was huge!

in colonial williamsberg

governor's palace, which is restored and open for tours

us in front of the governor's palace (from right to left: betsy, sedona, august, me)
me, august and katie and then some lady got in the

so, in colonial williamsberg, they act and dress like they would during the time of the revolution. it's not like and amish town where they live that way, it's more of a job that they do during the day, but some people do live in the houses there, but live with all the modern appliances and stuff.
me and august trying licorice sticks...the branch from an actual licorice tree. very different
katie being adorable, although she is a little menace :)
august didn't like hers, i'm not really sure if i did or not. i think i would have enjoyed it more without the bark decomposing on my tongue, but the taste was alright. you have to like licorice though
carriage ride!
and the whole group

me and august at a traditional tavern...the food was really good. they served this uncooked cornbread stuff with the meal. it was a weird consistency, but it was good.
out on the porchdriving another 3 hrs. to the airport...
we stopped to look at John Tyler's plantation, where his grandson still lives. yes i said grandson. he is like 81 and so, John Tyler i guess had 14 kids and then the youngest one of his children had 15 kids and now this is the youngest of them. crazy, since Tyler was president in the early 1860's i believe. pretty amazing stuff.
here is the house. so after the plantation, we got back in the car to go to a civil war museum before our flight. when we got there, the museum wasn't what we had in mind, so we found a James Madison museum and library was only 5 miles away, so back on the road we went and after some severe road rage, we made it there only to have the entire thing closed for renovation. we ended up getting lunch instead, since my family feels no need to eat. seriously we had lunch at like 2:30 and hadn't even eaten breakfast that morning...i was starving!

oh, yeah and i met the president...he was boarding a plane in the airport with his dog. haha. no, august and i sprinted to the gift shop to get this picture and then sprinted back so we wouldn't miss our plane...we're good.

well, that's all i've got about DC and Virginia. awesome trip! i definitly like DC and Virginia, even though Virginians are kinda odd, but whatever. hopefully i'll get back there someday

1 comment:

August Herrema said...

I like the picture of us on the rocking chair- we look like a couple of old people.