this week has been ridiculous, with tomorrow already being friday. i feel like i was only in school for three days. oh wait, that's because i was. it was SO nice to have monday and tuesday off...much needed. there isn't too much that is new in my life. i did go see "The Changeling" over the long weekend. it had to be one of the absolute saddest movies i have ever seen...i usually don't cry in movies (at least when other people are around) but a tear or two did leak out every so often. although it was sad, it was still a great movie; one i highly reccomend as long as you can handle a bit of blood/gore.
third period today was completely out of control (as it normally is in ms. admiraal's class); even more so than usual. it started with amy proving proof that i am not the only one who injures myself in that class. last week i managed to be my usual dumb self and hit my head on the wall. i sit in the back corner and i believe allison said something funny, i was laughing and then leaned back and totally hit my head with a loud thud. this caused about half the class to turn and look and then immediately connect what i had just done. and the 10 or so people that didn't notice, were alerted by ms. admiraal going "ouch" and looking at me. nice! only me. oh, well makes for a good story right. today however, was much more entertaining than me just simply being a klutz. amy got to play that role, as she tried to sit on top of my desk, which is broken and not connected to the base. you can imagine the result. so funny! on top of that we had a disaster drill during the first few minutes of third period. we had to act as if a massive earthquake was hitting the school and i must say that in the event of an earthquake my desk in that class would not provide much protection, but rather the top may swing down and decapitate me. lovely thought, eh? after the "earthquake" was over, we all were to file out in an orderly fashion and line up on the softball field. admiraal looked intense sporting her first aid backpack as she jogged out of the building...random. while we were on the softball field, it came to our attention that our class water supply, which was in the first aid backpack, was leaking down her back. so, basically we would all dehydrate and die if we hadn't been killed by the probability that the ceiling miraculously didn't fall down and crush us. the drill made for an interesting day that's for sure.
i am becoming more and more depressed (not really); i haven't played tennis since season ended over a week ago and i am really missing it. i will make an effort to play in the near future, but things are super busy, as i leave for El Salvador on Wednesday. i'm so excited, but at the same time cannot fully comprehend that i am actually still seems so far in the future.
well, best be off to study for my test concerning the United States Congress for the class of government. while i'm thinking of it, this may sound crazy, but sometimes i have the best times in that class. i don't know what i would do without august in that class...we make it fun. we are seriously the loudest people in there, which is saying something because neither of us are particularly ones to talk up a storm in class. oh well.
mmmm brownies are coming out of the oven now...i'm gonna go have one! :)
right... todley
I want a brownie!!
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