since bowling is pretty self explanatory, here are some pictures that i stole from laney's facebook.
sasha and laney...and if you look really close right between them...yep thats me! well, more like my eye and my tongue through their hair.

it was just funny cause they had no idea i was there until they looked at this picture on the screen
then they made me get in their picture as i tried to run away...i only wanted to be in it when they didn't know i was there. haha
me and laney, who for the record, is not taller than i.
brittany kisses her and i lick her...well, what did you expect? :)

...and her reply was "and this isn't awkward?", as laney and i hugged her.
great picture...the expression on her face really says it all. she totally loves us!
fun night!
now i've been spending my weekend getting all ready for El Salvador! we leave wednesday night! so crazy! i'll try and update before i go if anything remotely interesting happens.
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