Monday, October 6, 2008

i always knew tennis was dangerous

like i said before, mondays always seem to be good days for me. this very fine monday was no different. today i herd many things in a way that i have never before or just simply in a way that made so much more sense. two of these were in bible. we were talking about how we, as human beings, can't possibly know everything about God and why should we? it isn't that God wants to hide from us, but what would elevate Him from us if we knew everything He did? ms. admiraal explained it like this...if you have a circle and then a larger circle surrounding it, and lets say that the smaller circle represents our finite knowledge and the larger, God's infinite knowledge. now without changing the form or shape of the larger circle in any way, how can you make the larger circle fit inside the smaller circle? you can't. i really thought that was a great analogy and something so simple to remember. just wanted to share that.
another point that really served me well today especially was also from bible class. sometimes do you ever wish that God would let you look at your life in the future so that you know what you are supposed to do or what you are supposed to be aspiring to or simply just to see what will happen. i know i do, especially right now with college and changes. well, think about that on the opposite side for a moment. would you want to know all the negative things that were to happen in your life before they happen? to constantly be dreading something before it happens? to always be trying to stop it from happening? lets be honest, i don't think any of us could handle that pressure. so great that God gives us one day at a time. like today, i wasn't happy that i came to government class and found out that our test has been moved from friday to wednesday, two days earlier and i wouldn't have wanted to be there to here that had i known that was going to happen. or later when i got home this evening and all i wanted to do was do my homework, relax and maybe read a book. instead i ended up going to the auto shop to get my tire fixed because air was leaking out of it. but, it's all good cause it's just one day at a time. :)
moving on, we had another tennis match today. it was against CAMS, whom we haven't played for two years now, but they are still as good as ever, if not better. laney and i lost our first set 0-6 ouch! haha we were frustrated up until we "talked" to coach on change over at 0-5. she looks at us and goes "are you frustrated?" we were like "yeah! what are we doing wrong? it's 0-5" and she just starts laughing and goes "0-5. keep playing" and then waves us off in the direction of the court. and then laney double faults 3 times and ms. admiraal continues laughing at us. she is so funny! seriously only she could laugh at us when we are frustrated and we think it is funny. i'm just saying not many people could pull that off...she has a gift. haha
our second set didn't go so hot, although we didn't get bagled...a nice 1-6 haha! and our third was by far the best! laney and i both hit one girl! i was at net and the girl that was back hits a ball that was perfect over-head material. well, what am i going to do here? hit it at the girl who is at back court and has more time to react to the ball or hit it at the vulnerable girl right in front of me and finish the point. i think you could guess. i was probably only about 5-6 ft. away and i pretty much slam the thing at her; it hits her right on the hip without even a bounce on the court to cushion the blow. yeah...that must have hurt...she is definitely going to have a bruise. of course i apologized and felt kinda bad, but the game of tennis is rough and you gotta be tough. needless to say, i was quite proud of my hit. :) then to make it even better about 20 mins. later, laney hits a solid volley and it smacks the same girl right the stomach. laney also apologized immediately, but the girl ignored her, turning back to her partner and just yells "you can not keep setting me up like that...keep it away from the net!" then she turns back to us and says "can we just get this game over with...i want to go home!". i glanced over at the bleachers where i saw mr. bras trying to suppress a laugh, which was the same thing laney and i were doing; at one point we had to turn the other direction, so our opponents wouldn't see us cracking up. all in all our last match was a pretty memorable one. :)
well, that's all for now! thanks for bearing with me and reading!
more later! night!

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