Monday, September 15, 2008

to santa barbara

here is justin, looking...i don't even have a word for it, but he was reaching for my hand or food or something.
on the way up gary tired with all his might to find uncle jeff and justin on the highway. well, we finally caught up to thier black pontiac and when we did justin just couldn't resist getting a breath of fresh air and sticking his head out the window. this led to me handing him things across the freeway at 75mph...we are pretty darn good. gary and uncle jeff would pull right up close and then justin and i would do a hand off on snack and such. never a dull moment, i tell ya.

he looks like a dog! haha

my mom and jamie getting kaite ready for the 10 mins before! haha you can see my reflection in the mirror :)

we tried taking a family picture, but...yeah
the wind wasn't helping much either. haha

well, i'll post some more pics later and tell more about the wedding, but for now i'm super tired, since i got back at like 11:30 last night and it is again around 11:30. plus i've got a tennis match tomorrow! first league one!!! against Maranatha...wish us luck! :)


August Herrema said...

your dress looks cute :)

stcowie said...

if two comments makes me famous, then ya. haha

and i would hit the cone if i drove a jalopie. haha

Anonymous said...

Katie is soooo cute! Almost as cute as you. :)

Thanks for going to La Creperie with me. That was fun! And we will definitely get golden spoon or something when I get back. Three months from today. :)